Chapter 27

Justin left Maggie's house around noon, vowing to return at eight that night. They were going to a club with Nikki, Jen, and the rest of the guys. Chris and Joey had said they were determined to meet some girls while they were in Chicago.


"Hey Nik, I haven't talked to you for a couple days, what's been up?" Maggie asked over the phone. "Not much, I've just been hanging out with Lance alot," Nikki said happily. "Aww, how cute! Yeah, I've just been hanging with Justin, we had our first fight last night," Maggie replied. "You guys got in a fight? About what?" Nikki asked surprised. "Well I guess it wasn't a fight fight, but he got really mad at me at the movie. Ever since we left my house he was hanging onto me for dear life, and it was driving me nuts, and he got all offended when I pried him off me for a second so I could breathe. I thought he hated me or something, and he dropped me off at home, then right before I went inside he ran up to me and apologized," Maggie explained everything to her.

"Wow, is he for real? I mean, how much more perfect can one guy be, Mags?" Nikki asked laughing. "I don't know, but he is pretty perfect, isn't he?" Maggie sighed dreamily. "Yeah, he is, but so is Lance!" Nikki defended him. Then the girls gossiped about the guys for forever and contemplated what to wear to the club that night.


"Wow Maggie, you never cease to amaze me by how beautiful you can look," Justin said softly when he came to pick Maggie up that night. She giggled at him shyly as she blushed. He took her hand and spun her around in front of him observing all of her. She wore a short black skirt and a lavender tank top with black platform sandals. Her curls were pulled back into a messy ponytail with stray strands falling out, but it still looked perfect. "You know, you never look too bad yourself either," she replied checking him out. He was wearing casual black pants with a white dressy-looking t-shirt and a black leather jacket. It was so simple, but on him it looked incredible.

"So where are you two headed tonight?" Maggie's dad asked coming to the door. "We're just gonna go into the city and check out some clubs with everyone," Maggie replied, hoping he'd let her go. He usually didn't let her go to clubs. He gave her a worried glance, then looked to Justin. He was holding her hand protectively, and her dad knew he wouldn't let anything bad happen to her. "Okay, as long as Justin's with you it's alright," he replied. "Thank you Daddy," she said hugging him. "Have fun," he called to them as they walked out to Justin's car.


"Chris, we are going to find girls tonight, if it's the last thing we do!" Joey exclaimed in line at the club. Chris rolled his eyes at him. "Okay Joey, but don't act too desperate," Chris replied. "Do I ever? I'm such a ladies man, they can't resist me," Joey said with a sly smile. "Yeah Joey, that's just why we've been here for almost three weeks and you've brought how many girls home?" JC asked holding his fingers as if he was counting the girls. "Oh wait, that would be zero!" he laughed forming an O with his hand. Joey sighed loudly before giving JC a hurt look. The group laughed at him as they stepped forward in line.


A couple hours later everyone was having a blast at the club. Everyone but Maggie. She sat at a table with her chin rested in her hand as she watched everyone. Lance and Nikki were cuddling in a booth, since he couldn't dance with his bad ankle. JC and Jen were getting crazy on the dance floor. Maggie was amazed how crazy JC could get when he was with Jen, but she did that to everyone. Chris was dancing with a cute redhead, and Joey was failing at an attempt to ask a tall skinny blonde to dance.

Then her eyes landed on Justin. He was standing by the bar, surrounded by about ten girls. They all looked about 18 to 21, they were all as skinny as sticks, dressed slutty, and worst of all, they all had Justin's attention. Maggie could tell they were all flirting with him mercilessly, the way they were flipping their hair everytime they said something made her want to throw up. She sighed loudly as tears filled her eyes. She stared down into her Sprite and played with the straw. Anything to keep her attention off Justin at that moment.


She was concentrating on her drink so much that she didn't notice Joey come sit down next to her. She looked up and saw him sitting there with a sad look on his face. "Not much luck with the girls tonight, Joe?" she asked sincerely. He shook his head. She gave him a reassuring smile. "Maybe you're trying too hard. A girl doesn't want to feel like she's being hit on, she just wants to feel like you're really interested in her, in what she has to say, and not just on getting her into bed," Maggie explained patting his hand. "You're right," he said looking up at her. "I guess I've been acting like a jerk tonight," he replied sadly. "Oh Joey, no you're not, you're just acting like a guy, it's perfectly natural!" she laughed. "Just be the wonderful sweet guy we all know you really are," she said. "Thanks, that's really sweet, I'll stop hitting on the girls so hard," he said with a smile.

"So what's wrong with you? Howcome you're sitting here by yourself? Where's Justin?" he asked. She glanced over to the bar where Justin was still surrounded by the bimbos. Joey turned around and followed her gaze. "Oh," he said quietly. "You know they mean nothing to him, Maggie, they're just trying to talk to him, and Justin's too nice a guy to be mean and walk away," Joey explained trying to help. Maggie shrugged. "Who was I kidding?" she whispered. "What?" Joey asked. "Who was I kidding, thinking that Justin Timberlake actually liked me? I was just his temporary date until he could find someone better," she said, her eyes full of hot tears that she was determined not to let spill over.

"What are you talking about Maggie? Justin's really not interested in those girls, you've gotta believe me. Justin only cares about you, I promise," Joey said trying to convince her. She shrugged slowly. "I need some fresh air, I'm not really a club kind of person," she said standing up. "You gonna be okay?" he asked standing up with her. She nodded. "Yeah, I'm just gonna go over to that park down the next block, and don't worry, I've got my mace!" she replied. Joey smiled to her. "Okay, I'll let Justin know, and believe me it's only you he cares about," Joey said lifting up her chin and looking her in the eye. She gave him an unsure look. "You go be the charming Joey we all love and get you a cute girl to dance with," Maggie said pushing him towards a cute brunette at the next table. Joey nodded and winked at her before walking to the brunette.

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