Chapter 28

Maggie walked around the park slowly, feeling sorry for herself. She was so confused. She was usually the complete center of Justin's attention, but for some reason tonight she wasn't. A tear fell down her cheek slowly as she pictured Justin with all those girls. She could just see him pointing her out to them and saying, "Her? She's just some dumb girl that's been showing me around the city." More tears came as she sat down on a bench and rested her face in her hands.

Justin had been watching Maggie for a few minutes from far away. He saw her walk around slowly, shuffling her feet, as if she was thinking really hard about something. Then he saw her sit down on the bench and put her face in her hands. He knew she was crying about something, and it killed him, he had to know what it was that hurt her.


Justin walked over to the bench slowly and sat down next to her, but she didn't notice. His heart broke with every muffled sob he could hear coming from behind her hands. He swallowed hard and decided to break the silence. "Maggie, are you okay?" he asked softly placing a hand on her shoulder. He startled her and she almost jumped out of her skin. She shrugged his hand off her shoulder and scooted away from him. "Mags, please, what's wrong?" he pleaded.

"Justin," she said softly, revealing her tear-stained face. He'd never seen her eyes look so sad before, it brought tears to his own eyes. She looked into his eyes and it broke her heart, she was convinced that he didn't really care about her. "What is it?" he whispered. She took a deep, shaky breath, trying to calm herself down. "What was I thinking?" she asked herself out loud shaking her head. "What were you thinking about what?" Justin asked, he was extremely confused. "What was I thinking when I thought you actually liked me," she said looking straight ahead and biting her bottom lip as more tears fell down her face.

"What? Maggie what are you talking about?" Justin asked surprised. "I saw you with those girls at the club, Justin. Those are the kind of girls you belong with. Those are the kind of girls you really want to be with. And I understand, it's just the way everything is nowadays," she said still looking ahead, she couldn't bring herself to look at him. "The girls at the club?" Justin asked trying to figure out what she was talking about. "Those stupid airheads?" he asked remembering the girls that had surrounded him.

She nodded slowly. "It's okay Justin, it really is, I understand," she mumbled. "I mean, look at me, look at me compared to them," she said looking down at herself. "Maggie, don't do this, please don't do this, you are so perfect," Justin said trying to put his arms around her before she pushed them off. "No I'm not, Justin!" she said angrily. "I'm definetly not the skinniest person in the world, I mean I wear a size 10, look at my chubby legs, my flat chest, my stringy hair, my huge nose, I could go on for hours, Justin," she said still angry, she was almost yelling by now.

Justin grabbed her shoulders and forced her to face him. "Maggie Leigh Sutton, listen to me, you are perfect," he said slowly so it could sink in. "I don't know how you see yourself that way, I really don't. I think you're the most beautiful person in the world, inside and out. And even if I didn't think that, do you really think I'm such a shallow person that looks are the only thing that are important to me?" he asked. "I guess not," she whispered looking down. "You're the sweetest person I've ever met, and you're caring, and you're funny, and you're smart, and now I could go on for hours," he said.

"I know you're self-conscious and insecure sometimes, and I can understand that. But please don't let those girls intimidate you. Always remember that you're the one on my mind and in my heart no matter what. Will you promise me?" he asked her lifting her chin up. She nodded slowly as a final tear fell down her cheek. "Say it," he whispered. "I promise, Justin," she said quietly. "That's my girl," he smiled to her and hugged her.

"Ugh, why do girls always think they're fat?" he said annoyed kneeling down in front of her with his back to her. "It's in the blood," she replied climbing onto his back. He stood up and gave her a piggy back ride to the parking lot of the club to his car.

He opened the door and sat her inside gently. He leaned down and kissed her forehead. "You're gorgeous," he said as he flashed a million dollar smile at her which made her laugh. "So are you," she whispered when he closed the door.

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