Chapter 29

Maggie was sprawled out on her bed the next morning, not really feeling like getting up yet. The phone on her nightstand rang and she reached over to answer it. "Hello?" "Hey Magsy, what's up?" she heard a bright, cheerful voice. "Chris?" she asked. "Of course it's me, silly! What are you doing?" he asked. "Just laying around watching tv, how about you guys?" she replied. "Well, you know it's kind of hot out today, right?" he asked, ignoring her question. "Yeah I guess it is, I'm enjoying the day in the comfortable air conditioning of my house," she replied. "Well so are we, but it's still hot out, and we were just talking to Justin, and he was saying how you have a pool, a really nice pool actually, and I realized, hey we've never even been to Magsy's house before, isn't it kind of rude how many times she's been over here and she's never invited us over?" Chris rambled on and on. But Maggie got the hint right away.

"Chris, would you and the guys like to come over and swim today?" she asked happily. "Why Magsy, that's so nice of you to ask, as a matter of fact, I think we would enjoy that!" he answered. "Guys, it worked, we're gonna go swimming!" he screamed, and Maggie had a feeling he was jumping up and down. She couldn't help but laugh at him. "I'll see you in an hour? I've gotta go vacuum out the pool now," she replied getting out of bed. "Alrighty, we'll pick up Jen, and call Nikki, okay?" "Sure will, see ya in an hour, Chrisky!" she laughed at the nickname she'd given him.


An hour later Maggie was sitting by the edge of the pool in shorts and a tank top reading a magazine. She heard a knock on the gate so she yelled for them to come in. Chris came running onto the deck with just his swimming trunks and he jumped into the pool immediately, splashing everyone within a ten foot radius of the pool. "Chrisky, if you can't behave you'll have to take a time out!" Maggie yelled at him sternly, her hair soaking wet. "Sorry Magsy!" he yelled out as he began swimming around. "There's water guns and floaties in that shed," Maggie said pointing to a shed on the other side of the pool. "Water guns?!" he shrieked jumping out of the water. "Oh no," all the guys groaned.

Maggie studied Justin as he walked over to her slowly. He had on black board shorts with red and white stripes down the sides and a white wife beater. Dark sunglasses rested over his eyes and the sunlight flickered off his blonde highlights. The sunglasses gave him a mysterious appearance. He walked over to her and smiled before hugging her, picking her up, and spinning her around. "Hey beautiful," he replied when he put her down. "Hey stud," she said in a sexy tone, which made Justin laugh.

"Oh my gosh girl, I haven't seen you in forever!" Maggie heard Jen yell from across the deck. They ran into each other's arms and hugged. "It's been more like two weeks," Maggie laughed. "That is forever! Why didn't you tell me you knew *N Sync?!" Jen exclaimed. "And why didn't you save Justin for me?! Some friend you are!" she whispered. Maggie rolled her eyes at her. "Sorry, but hey you've got JC!" "Yeah, I guess that's true, if I must go out with him," Jen said dramatically inbetween laughs. Jen was one of Maggie's good friends from grade school. When they had to go to separate high schools they stayed in touch and were still friends. Jen was a wild child, and she always brought out the crazy side in Maggie that she always hid. It seemed they were always getting in trouble when they were together.


A little while later Nikki came over and her and Lance laid out in the grass of Maggie's backyard and cuddled. Maggie swore that's all she ever saw those two do. Everyone was in the pool messing around but Maggie and Justin. Maggie sat in a lawn chair still reading her magazine, and Justin sat by the edge of the pool waiting for Maggie to get in. He finally got sick of waiting and jumped in. "Aren't you getting in?" he yelled to her. She kept looking down at the magazine as she shook her head. "Why not?" he asked. "I don't feel like swimming right now," she replied looking up. She noticed Jen sitting on JC's shoulders. "God she's so skinny, there is no way I'm wearing my swimming suit in front of Justin when Jen looks that good," Maggie thought sadly.

Justin knew what was going through Maggie's head, the same exact thing that was going through it last night. He got out and walked over to her. "You sure you don't want to hop in? We have to challenge Jen and JC to a game of chicken, I know we can kick their butts," Justin replied standing in front of her, but she still looked down. Maggie looked up slowly at the God that was Justin Timberlake standing in front of her. Her eyes traveled from his feet to his calves, to his shorts, to the beads of water dripping down his six pack up to the muscles in his chest, then up to his sincere face.

"I know exactly what you're thinking Mags, so don't try to fool me," he replied kneeling down next to her. She sighed and looked into his blue eyes. "I don't know if I can," she whispered, glancing at Jen again, her insecurity getting the best of her. Justin had no idea how to get through to her, he'd tried everything. "Look Mags, I don't know what to do except tell you again how beautiful you are, every single little part of you," he said grabbing one of her toes. "Even your toes," he said holding one up and kissing it. She smiled down to him. "He really isn't going to give up," she thought. "Fine," she sighed.

"Good," Justin smiled, standing up. She got up and lifted off her tank top, revealing a cute pink top with orange and white flowers. Justin looked down to her bare stomach and noticed how flat it was. "Maggie, please," he said patting her stomach and rolling his eyes. She glared at him annoyed, and started to unbutton her jean shorts. It was her legs she hated the most. She unbuttoned them slowly and let them slide down her legs to her feet. Justin looked down at the matching boy-cut bottom of her swimming suit. "Beautiful," he whispered pulling her close to him. She smiled to him as he pulled her to the pool. "Now come on, let's beat JC and Jen," he said jumping in.


"Thanks, Justin," Maggie said to Justin later that night. They were still sitting by the edge of the pool, and it was almost starting to get dark now. Everyone else had gone to get ice cream, and Maggie's parents were at the movies. "For what?" he asked. "For helping me get over my self-consciousness today. You make me actually like myself, which is so hard for me to do, you don't understand," she replied playing with her hands in her lap. "It's okay, Maggie, I'm just telling the truth," Justin said sincerely.

"Looks like someone got a little bit too much sun today," Justin replied touching Maggie's sunburnt shoulders gently. She nodded, "It hurts," she whined. "You have anyting for it?" he asked. She nodded and ran inside, coming back out a minute later with a bottle of Aloe Vera lotion. Maggie sat back down and Justin rubbed the lotion into her shoulders gently. It was cold so it sent shivers up and down her spine. After it was rubbed in Justin continued rubbing her shoulders and her back.

"That feels nice," she whispered, a small moan coming out of her mouth. "The lotion on your sunburn, or the massage?" he asked, breathing into her ear as he spoke. "Both," she breathed. Justin smiled mischeviously as he placed soft kisses up and down her back. She gripped onto the side of the pool to keep from going crazy.

"Justin, I'm gonna be the one to stop this time, everyone's gonna be back really soon," Maggie said glancing at the gate. Justin nodded sitting up straight. "But I have good news. Today my parents told me they're going to visit my aunt in Wisconsin next weekend. Usually they make me go with, but I talked them out of it this year, I told them it was your last weekend here, so they agreed, and they're letting me stay home alone all weekend," she said with her eyes glowing. Justin raised his eyebrows. "I was thinking maybe I could finally cook you an actual dinner like I promised you," she replied. A grin formed on Justin's face. "Sounds good," he said pulling her to him and kissing her.

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