Chapter 3

"You all ready to go?" Nikki asked Maggie later. "Yeah, I guess so," she replied nervously. "Don't be nervous, just be yourself. And be confident, and funny. He likes confident, funny girls," Nikki commented. "Nikki, please! I'm the most self-conscious, shy girl in the world. I don't know how Justin Timberlake would ever be interested in me," Maggie said sadly.

"Mags, how many times have I told you not to be so hard on yourself? I don't think all this therapy you're going to is helping!" Nikki said frustrated. "I'm sorry," Mags said quietly looking down at her hands in her lap. "Come on, you know I love you Mags. I just hate it when you're so hard on yourself. Now come on, the world's biggest teen hearthrob asked you on a date. YOU, Maggie, and you're going to go out and have fun with him, you got it?" Nikki scolded. "Yes," Mags answered taking a deep breath. "Okay, now go break some teen pop star hearts!" Nikki laughed. "And don't forget to ask Lance if he wants to double next time!" she called to her as she left. "Okay, I won't," Maggie laughed at her friend.


"Well, I'm gonna go, I'll be back by 12," Maggie said to her parents grabbing her purse and keys. "Now who is this boy you're going out with again?" her dad asked. "Here we go," she sighed to herself. Her parents drilled her anytime she ever went anywhere, even to the store to get milk for her mom. "His name is Justin, he's staying in town for awhile and asked me to show him around," Maggie explained. "And how do we know he isn't some psycho?" her mom asked. Maggie shook her head in disbelief. "He's not some psycho, mom," she said closing her eyes to keep from screaming. "If I have any trouble, I'll come home right away, I promise," she assured them. "Okay, and remember to be home by 12, or else," her father threatened. "Okay, bye!" Maggie said finally making it out the door.

She walked out to her new red Ford Escort. She wished she could've gotten a cooler car, like a Mustang or Camaro, but her parents insisted she got a "safe, affordable" car. So she just took what she could get. "What are you getting yourself into?" she asked herself as she drove towards the city.


"Well, here goes nothing," Maggie thought to herself ringing the doorbell to the condo Justin gave her the address to. After much debating, her and Nikki decided she should wear something casual, but a little dressy. So she wore a baby blue and white checked sundress with white canvas shoes. Her hair was swept up in a ponytail with a few curly tendrils framing her face.

"Hey, come on in!" Justin greeted her. "Thanks," she replied stepping inside. "You look great," Justin said sweetly, looking her up and down. "Thanks, so do you," she blushed. He was wearing khaki cargo shorts and a navy blue polo shirt. And of course he was wearing sneakers with it. "I want you to meet the guys," Justin said leading her into a huge living room with a big entertainment center framing one side of the room. "Hey guys, this is Maggie, Maggie, this is JC, Chris, Lance, and Joey," Justin said pointing them all out to her.

"Well hello there," Joey said getting up and walking towards Maggie. She gave him a strange look. "My name's Joseph. I don't know anything about this city either," he said winking at her and kissing her hand. She backed up a little bit out of fright. "Joey, get away. She's MY date, and you're scaring her!" Justin said pushing Joey away. "Don't mind him, he's very hormonal," Justin whispered to Maggie. "Okay," she said, still a little scared. "Well, it was nice meeting all of you," she said politely, looking cautiously at Joey. "Let's get going," Justin replied, leading the way to the door.


"So where are you taking me?" Justin asked once they got to her car. "Well, I thought I'd take you for some authentic deep dish Chicago style pizza, then maybe walk down Michigan Avenue and window shop or something," Maggie offered. "Oh wait, are you allowed to do that?" she asked worried. "Allowed to do what?" Justin laughed. "Allowed to just go out and walk around like that in public? Especially with a girl?" she asked. Justin just laughed at her. "Yes, I'm allowed to eat and shop and be a normal human being!" he laughed some more. "Well I don't know anything about this whole "famous" thing," she defended herself. "It's okay, you'll learn. I was like that at first, but by now I'm to the point where I just don't care a whole lot, you know?" "Yeah, but if you get mobbed I'm taking you home!" she said. "Okay," he rolled his eyes.


"So Maggie, tell me all about yourself, I want to know everything," Justin said once they got to the pizza parlor. "Oh no, this is what you were afraid of. Just tell the truth. Just leave out that one little part. It's not lying, it's just not telling," she reassured herself quickly. "Well, I've lived here my whole life. Actually, I've lived in Evanston, it's a suburb close by. I'm an only child, so I've pretty much been spoiled my whole life. I just graduated from high school a month ago, and I just turned 18. I'm going to be starting at Northwestern this fall, still living at home. And I think that's about it, it's pretty boring, actually," Maggie said taking a deep breath.

"You're an only child? I was an only child growing up too, until about 5 years ago, then I got a stepbrother. His name's Jonathan, and he just turned 5. He's a little me, I swear. And then there's Steven, he's only a year old, and he just started walking," Justin gushed. Maggie loved the way his face lit up when he talked about them. "Oh, how sweet! I'll have to meet them sometime, I love kids," she commented. "You'll love them, they're so sweet," Justin said. "So, tell me all about the group, I know nothing about you guys," Maggie said. Justin's face lit up even more. "Well, it all started with Chris..." he started.

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