Chapter 30

"What are we gonna do today Magsy?" Justin asked Maggie over the phone the next morning. "What are you doing stealing Chris' nickname?" she laughed. "Sorry, it's just so cute, and it fits you perfectly. I can't believe it was Chris that thought of it!" Justin laughed. "Me neither, but I have no plans for the day, what about you?" Maggie asked. "Well, I was thinking today that I've never taken you out for a really nice dinner, so I want to do that tonight, okay?" Justin asked. "That sounds nice," she replied. "Okay, it'll be fancy, do you need something to wear?" he asked. "Nah, I can find something, an old dress from a dance or something," she said.

"Okay, well I'll call somewhere and make reservations, and I'll call you when I'm done with rehearsal around 6," Justin replied. "Rehearsal? Why are you rehearsing, isn't Lance's ankle still taped up?" she asked confused. The truth was she didn't want to think about his singing, it only made her think about him leaving next week, and that made her think about telling him everything. "Yeah it is, but Johnny booked us to sing at Hard Rock on Thursday night, we're just gonna sing a few songs and we're gonna be sitting on stools so we don't have to dance," Justin replied, he couldn't wait for her to see him perform.

"Oh, that sounds cool, I can't wait to see you perform," she replied. "I can't wait for you to see me either. But I promised my mom I'd call her, so I'll call you when I'm done with practice, okay Sweets?" he asked. "Sure, I'll talk to you then," she replied.


Maggie freaked out about getting ready all day, and she had no idea why. She wanted to look perfect for Justin. She made Nikki and Jen go shopping with her, and they found a beautiful long black dress for her to wear. It was plain, but elegant. They had her hair, makeup, and nails done. She didn't know how much dinner would cost, but so far this date was costing her a fortune. But she didn't care, it would all be worth it when she saw the look on Justin's face.


Justin came to pick Maggie up at eight o'clock that night. He was wearing a black suit with a baby blue shirt and a silky tie to match it. His curls were curlier than ever, and Maggie was speechless when she saw him. "You..look..gorgeous," she managed to spit out. Justin laughed at her shyly. "Thanks," he said blushing. Maggie was surprised, with as many compliments as this boy got daily, a little compliment still embarassed him. "So do you, but you look more than gorgeous, if I could think of another word.." he trailed off.

He looked her over slowly and carefully. Her long black dress had skinny straps and a slit up to her knee, and Justin couldn't believe how sexy it looked on her. Her hair was pulled up in a mess of curls with sparkly clips in it everywhere. Her makeup was soft and light, but still noticable. She looked up to him as he laid a soft kiss on her cheek. "Let's go," he whispered. "Okay," she replied grabbing her purse before they headed out to Justin's car.


Justin and Maggie enjoyed their dinner, and they laughed at all the older couples who looked at them like they were so cute together. An older lady in her seventies or eighties told Maggie that if she was a few years younger she'd have some serious competition for her date, and that gave both of them a good laugh.

After dinner they walked along a pier by the lake. Maggie spotted a couple in their eighties or so standing by the edge of the pier, holding hands, staring up into the night sky. She stared at them for awhile, and Justin finally asked her what she was looking at. "Them," she replied pointing to them. "Isn't that adorable?" she asked, not taking her gaze off of them. Justin chuckled at her. "Yeah, I guess it's pretty cute," he replied shaking his head. "I hope I'm that happy someday," Maggie said dreamily. "I hope I find my soul mate, and that after so long I'll still enjoy the small things like holding hands," she said, continuing to stare at the couple.


Justin looked at her closely. He couldn't believe how willing she was to love, considering how much love she had lost in the past. It only made him love her even more. "Dance with me, Magsy," Justin said quietly pulling her close to him. "Okay," she replied, giving him a funny look because there was no music. She laid her head on his chest as he began singing "God Must Have Spent a Little More Time on You" to her. A single tear fell down her cheek as she listened to him sing. He put so much love and emotion into it, and she knew it was all for her.


She thought about how she had vowed so long ago that she'd never love again, never love anyone but Ryan. She couldn't believe how quickly Justin had entered her life and had already left such a lasting impact. She had been so scared to give her heart to anyone again, she didn't want to be hurt again. But when Justin came along that thought didn't even cross her mind. It was amazing how much he meant to her and how much she loved him.


After Justin was done singing they stood like that, holding each other, for a long time. They both thought about him leaving next week, even though neither one of them really wanted to. Maggie finally lifted her head and looked up at him. "I don't want you to leave next week, Justy," she said tears filling her eyes. "Shhh, just don't think about it, Magsy," he replied. "But we're gonna have to think about it eventually," she said, small tears falling down her cheeks slowly. "But not now," he whispered, gently wiping away her tears with his thumbs. She nodded and put her head back on his chest. She breathed in his scent and his warmth.

She was vowing never to love again, but now she was vowing never to love anyone but Justin.

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