Chapter 31

The next day Maggie was up bright and early, driving to Justin's condo. She decided she was going to take him sight-seeing today, to all the museums and great Chicago sites. He whined about getting up early, but she finally convinced him that it would be fun. She tried to talk the rest of the guys into coming, but they refused getting up before noon.

"Morning!" Maggie said cheerily when Justin answered the door. "How are you so cheerful this early?" he grumbled, opening the door to let her in. He couldn't believe how adorable she looked today. She had on dark blue overall jeans, a white baby tee, and the front of her hair was pulled into two pigtails with white ribbons. It was the complete look of innocence, and Justin loved it.

"It's 9 o'clock, Justin, that's not that early! Did someone forget to eat his cereal this morning?" she laughed. "I was just about to make a bowl, you want some?" he asked, shuffling to the kitchen slowly. "No thanks, I already had some," she replied. Justin finished his cereal and they waited for Troy to come over. They were going to be out in public alot, so Justin was definetly going to be needing a bodyguard today.

Maggie admired Justin as he hurried around grabbing his keys and wallet. He had on jeans and a simple gray Tommy shirt, but to Maggie he looked amazing in anything. He grabbed a baseball cap and sunglasses as they walked out the door with Troy. "Justy, I hate it when you cover your curls with a hat," Maggie whined taking it away from him. "I know you do, Sweets, but I need this for a disguise. If I don't wear one we'll have a mob scene, and that would really ruin my day," he said snatching it back from her. "As if the 200 pound bodyguard doesn't give you away either," Maggie rolled her eyes as she unlocked the car door. "She's got a point, Curly," Troy replied as Justin shot him a dirty look.


Maggie and Justin were walking around Brookfield Zoo hand in hand, with Troy following closely behind. "Come on Justy, I like the monkeys," Maggie whined like a little kid pulling him into the monkey house. "When I was little, my Dad would bring me here, and he'd stand me on top of the railing and hold onto me, but I was always afraid I'd fall over the edge and have to live with the monkeys forever," Maggie explained leaning on the railing, peering into the deep pit where the monkeys lived.

"You're a silly girl, Magsy," Justin replied laughing at her. She turned around and shrugged her shoulders at him. "Like you never had a weird fear like that, Justin," she replied as they walked out. "None at all," he replied. She gave him an "I know you're lying" look. "Okay, I'll let it go this time, Timberlake, but next time you're in trouble," she replied leading him towards a gift shop.


"Maggie, aren't you tired yet?" Justin whined a few hours later, as they walked around the Shedd Aquarium looking at the killer whales. "Nope, I could look at these all day long," she replied putting her hand on the glass as a whale came right up next to it. Justin watched her as she giggled when the whale put its nose right up to her hand. "I think it likes you," he replied nodding to the whale. She just laughed again when it opened its mouth like it was smiling at her. "Bye sweetie, have fun," she said waving to the whale as she grabbed Justin's hand and led him towards the dolphin show.

Justin had been having good luck all day, he'd only been noticed a couple times and he'd only had to sign a few autographs. But his luck changed as he was walking to the dolphin show holding Maggie's hand.

"Oh my God, it's Justin Timberlake, and he's got a girl with him! Who is she?! Is that his girlfriend?! I thought he was with Britney?! What is she doing with him?!" Maggie heard a group of girls say loudly as they walked by. She glanced at Justin who pretended like he didn't hear. Troy took care of the girls, making sure they left Justin alone.

"I'm sorry, Maggie, I hate for you to have to deal with that," he replied once they found seats for the show. "It's okay, Justin, I'm gonna have to get used to it," she replied. She'd thought alot about it, actually. "You do realize that there are going to be anti-Maggie sites on the Internet now, and you will be hated by millions?" Justin asked. That thought hadn't really crossed her mind. "But I'm not supposed to have a girlfriend anyway, so I'm going to have to pretend like you're a friend from back home, or a cousin. I hope you understand," Justin replied. He felt awful for telling her this, but he couldn't help it, he had to do it.

Maggie thought about it and nodded slowly. "Of course I understand, Justin, it's your career, you don't have a choice. You're in the public eye, I completely understand. I'm not saying it's not going to hurt when I hear you say you don't have a girlfriend, but I'll deal with it. You do what you have to do," she replied patting his hand. "Thanks, I'm glad you understand," he said kissing the back of her hand. "Is that something you should be doing to your cousin?" she laughed. "Maggie, you think that's bad? I shouldn't be doing any of the stuff we've done with a cousin!" he laughed. "I guess you're right!" she agreed.


After a quick trip to the Museum of Science and Industry and the Sears Tower, Maggie and Justin ate at Ed Debevick's and when they got back to Justin's they just watched some tv. "The performance is the day after tomorrow, so I have to rehearse all day tomorrow," Justin said sadly, holding Maggie's hand and playing with the rings on her fingers. "That's okay, will you be free at night?" she asked. He shook his head slowly. "No, we have an interview," he said sadly. "And Thursday I'll be getting ready for the show, but I want you to be there for everything that day, okay?" he asked. "Sure, I can't wait to see you in action," she smiled.

"You think that's seeing me in action?" Justin asked grinning slyly as he rolled over on top of Maggie and started kissing her neck. "Hey, whatcha guys doing?" Chris asked walking in, he didn't even care that he walked in on them. "Why is it we're always being interrupted?" Justin whispered to Maggie angrily. "Don't worry Justin, it will happen sometime, when the time is right," she replied quietly. Justin nodded and sat up. "We really need to find you a girlfriend," Justin grumbled to Chris.


"Thanks for such a great day, Maggie, I really had fun," Justin said walking Maggie out to her car. "Me too," she replied. He pulled her close to him and kissed her sweetly and softly. "Oh yeah, I got you a present," he said happily reaching into the backseat of Maggie's car. He handed her a white paper bag. "What is it?" she asked. "Open it," he rolled his eyes. She opened the bag and found a stuffed monkey in it. "I thought maybe you could get over your small fear of monkeys this way," he smiled. "Oh Justin, I love it!" she exclaimed hugging him. "He'll live on my bed, and how about I name it Shot? Kinda like your nickname," she said holding it up and looking at it. "I like it," Justin replied. "Bye Magsy, I'll call you tomorrow whenever I get a free minute, okay?" he asked hugging her again. "Yeah," she said nodding slowly. She realized this is what her relationship with Justin would be soon, lots of goodbyes and promises to call.

"Night," Justin said kissing the tip of her nose. "Night," she said, kissing his nose back and getting in her car.

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