Chapter 32

Maggie was miserable all day Wednesday, the day Justin was in rehearsals and interviews all day. Nikki and Jen took her shopping for an outfit for the performance to try and get her mind off missing Justin, but it didn't work too well. Every single little thing that reminded her of Justin she had to tell them about. The curly-haired sales guy at Abercrombie, she pointed out all his favorite cd's at Sam Goody's, and told them about his favorite kind of pizza at lunch. Jen and Nikki were going nuts.

"What the heck is gonna happen when he leaves next week?" Jen asked Nikki frantically while Maggie was in the bathroom. Nikki shook her head. "I have no idea, she's going to be like this every day," Nikki replied. "I mean, I'm happy she's with Justin, but the girl is driving me nuts!" Jen exclaimed. "What's driving you nuts?" Maggie asked walking up to them. "It's driving me nuts that I don't get to see JC today," Jen lied. "Aww, you guys are so cute!" Maggie gushed heading towards American Eagle.


Maggie had gotten so excited both times Justin called her that day. He called her once in the morning right before rehearsal, then late at night when he got back from his last interview, so he could wish her a good night. After she got off the phone with him at night she shook her head at herself. "Maggie, you were away from him for one day, what is wrong with you? He's going back on tour for three months, and you'll probably see him three times that whole time," she talked to herself out loud. "What am I gonna do?" she asked herself as she fell asleep.


Maggie, Jen, and Nikki all headed to Hard Rock around noon the next day. The guys had a couple interviews, then sound check, then dinner, then the performance. And they wanted the girls to see everything. "Do you think Justin will like my outfit?" Maggie asked the two girls frantically as they got out of the car. She was wearing blue paratrooper pants from Abercrombie and tank top to match. "Maggie, you never cared what you looked like before," Nikki started to say, becoming frustrated. "Justin loves you no matter what you wear," Jen rolled her eyes dragging her to the restaurant.


The guys insisted the girls sit in on the interviews they were doing. One was for the Chicago Tribune, and the other was for MTV News, and both were about starting the tour back up next week. They sat in the corner, out of the way, but they could still hear what was going on. The reporter for the newspaper eyed the three girls the entire interview.

"Guys, I can't help but notice these three lovely girls over here watching you. Do you know them?" the reporter from the newspaper asked. "Yeah, they're just some friends we've met while we've been here," Joey replied. "Justin, I saw you hugging the curly haired one before the interview, is that your girlfriend?" he asked suspiciously.

This was it. The first time Maggie would have to hear him say she was "just a friend". She didn't think she'd actually have to be present when it happened. She was determined not to get upset about it. As long as she knew it wasn't true, it shouldn't matter, at least that's what she tried to tell herself.

"No, that's not my girlfriend. She's just an old friend from way back, she's friends with one of my cousins," Justin lied, looking the reporter straight in the eye. He had become a pro at denying having a girlfriend. Maggie could feel her heart break, but she knew she couldn't show it. "Oh, well that's nice you've stayed in touch," the reporter replied, buying the story and giving up on trying to start a juicy new rumor. The reporter smiled and waved to her and Maggie plastered on her most fake, but sincere, smile ever. Jen and Nikki held her hands tightly where he couldn't see, because they knew she was close to a breakdown.


The interview ended closely after that, and once the reporter was out of sight Justin ran to Maggie. "Magsy, I'm so sorry you had to hear that, I had no idea he'd ask me that or else I wouldn't have asked you to come watch, I'm so so sorry," he apologized holding both of her hands in front of him. "Justin, it's okay," Maggie said looking down. "It's your job, you can't say you have a girlfriend, I understand. I'll just have to get used to it," she replied shrugging her shoulders. He lifted up her chin gently so she was looking him in the eye. "You always remember that no matter how many times you hear me say I don't have a girlfriend or that you're just my friend, that you know it isn't true and it's you I really love," Justin said sincerely.

Maggie's eyes grew wider than she ever thought possible. "Did he just say love?" she asked herself. Justin realized what he said, but he didn't regret it for a second. "Did you just say love?" she whispered, looking up at him with wide, hopeful eyes. He smiled to her and nodded. "Yeah Mags, I said love," he said shyly, looking down. Now she tilted his chin up gently. "I'll always remember, Justin, and you remember you're the one I love too," she said softly, her eyes glowing. The biggest grin ever spread across his face.

He leaned down and planted a soft, delicate kiss on her lips. He pulled away and Maggie was still standing on her tiptoes with her eyes closed. She opened them slowly and dreamily, and saw Justin's face smiling down at her. He smiled and krinkled his nose at her, which made her giggle softly.


"What are they saying?!" Jen whispered loudly. "I don't know, I can't hear them, you're too loud!" Nikki whispered back. "You're both too loud, now shutup!" Chris exclaimed. They were all watching the couple from behind two big curtains draped up for the background of the MTV interview. "He's saying something and she looks really happy," Joey said watching closely. "We can all see that, genius," JC rolled his eyes at him. "I think I can sneak up behind that camera stand and hear them better," Jen said sneaking to the other side of the curtain. "Guys, let's just leave them alone, this is wrong," Lance started. "NO!" all of them hissed at him as he held up his hands in surrender.

Maggie and Justin were standing there talking softly, he was telling her all about the performance that night. Neither one of them could wipe the goofy grins off their faces, but neither one of them minded. Jen leaned agains the tall camera stand trying to get closer so she could hear better. "They're talking too damn soft. How the hell are people supposed to eavesdrop around here?!" she grumbled.

Just then the whole camera stand toppled over, with Jen on top of it. It came about an inch from falling on Maggie. "Mags, look out!" Justin yelled pulling her out of the way just in time. "What the hell?" she asked annoyed. Then she noticed Jen laying on top of the stand, obviously in pain. "Jen?!" she exclaimed. "Are you okay? What are you doing?" she asked running over to her. "I'm fine," Jen replied standing up and brushing herself off.

"Were you trying to eavesdrop?" Maggie asked. Jen blushed and nodded. "Come on, the rest of you can come out now, too," Justin replied waving the rest of them out. They all stepped out from behind the curtains with guilty looks on their faces. "What are we gonna do with you guys?" Maggie replied trying not to laugh.

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