Chapter 33

Maggie, Jen, and Nikki watched the guys do their sound check, which they found kind of interesting, then they headed backstage to eat dinner. Once they were done eating, they had some down time in the dressing room. Chris and Joey were playing Playstation with Jen and JC watching and cheering them on. Nikki and Lance had disappeared to somewhere, no one knew where. Justin and Maggie sat in a huge recliner in the corner of the room, in their own little world.

"Are you excited to perform again?" Maggie asked Justin as she sat in his lap with his arms around her. "Yeah actually I am, it's been almost a month, and I miss it. I miss the lights, the music, the dancing, even though I don't get to do that tonight," Justin replied. "And you miss the girls," Maggie said raising her eyebrows at him. "I miss the fans," he corrected her. "Sure," she rolled her eyes as he laughed at her.

He then pulled her down closer to him so that she was about an inch away from his face. "Maggie, have I told you today that I love you?" he asked looking into her bright green eyes. "Actually, yeah, you have," she smiled. "Now that I've told you, I just want to tell you every single second," he replied holding her tighter. "Fine with me," she laughed. "I love you, I love you, I love you," Justin repeated, kissing her cheeks, her forehead, her nose, and her chin. She giggled at him as she lowered her forehead down against his. "I love you too, Justy," she whispered, rubbing her nose against his.


A little while later the guys had to go get changed for the concert. The guys insisted the girls watch them from the front row, so they all said their goodbyes and good lucks as they hurried the girls into the crowd. They were some of the first fans there, but after a few minutes they noticed the small performance area filling up fast.

"So are you nervous to see Justin perform?" Jen asked Maggie. "Nervous? Why would I be nervous?" Maggie shrugged. "Because you've never really seen this side of him before. You should see him when he performs, Maggie, his whole face absolutely lights up and you can tell how much he really loves it," Jen replied. "I guess I'm just excited, but a little nervous, I think. You're right, I don't really know this side of him, so I don't really know what to expect," Maggie replied. "Expect lots of screaming, LOTS!" Nikki laughed. "And it will all mostly be for Justin, but I know he's going to be staring at you the entire time," Jen replied. Maggie smiled to herself at that thought.


About an hour later it was finally time for the guys to come out. The girls were amazed at how many people had managed to squish into the small area. Maggie was especially amazed at all the screaming already, and the guys weren't even out yet.

The guys walked out in a single file line, first Joey, then Chris, JC, Lance, and Justin came out last. They were dressed in black pants, dressy-looking shirts with each of the guys in a different color, and black leather jackets. They all looked amazing. All the guys earned equal screams and applause, but as soon as Justin's curly head popped out, the screams became painfully enormous. Maggie was amazed, all this for Justin. To her he didn't even seem like Justin Timberlake, he was just Justin. She shrugged to herself and clapped along with everyone else.

They introduced themselves and thanked everyone for coming and for bearing with them during their month-long break. They sat down on their stools as the opening notes of "For the Girl Who Has Everything" came on. They would occasionally get up and hand a rose to a girl in the audience. Justin grabbed one and headed in Maggie's direction. "Here you go, beautiful," Justin said winking at her. She looked up at him and smiled as she took the rose from him. About twenty girls around her that had heard him shot her death glares, and she hoped she'd get out of there alive.

After the song about ten girls all shouted, "Are you Justin's girlfriend?", and Maggie was terrified. But Jen knew how to take care of the situation. "Ladies, my friend here is a very beautiful girl and many guys tell her every day, that does not mean she's dating Justin Timberlake. Jesus girls, don't you all know he's with Britney?!" Jen shouted, sounding frustrated. All the girls got looks on their faces like, "Oh yeah," and went back to watching the guys. "Thank you!" Maggie whispered to Jen, who just smiled and nodded back.


The girls were loving the performance, even the fast songs were awesome without the dancing. They were having a blast singing and dancing along with the music, and they felt so special whenever one of them would come up near the front of the stage and smile or sing to them.

"Well we just want to thank you all again for coming, it really means alot to us. Keep watching for the new album, it will be out soon! This will be our last song, and it's our personal favorite. It's called, "God Must Have Spent a Little More Time on You"," Lance said over the microphone with his deep bass voice. "Ahhh, this is my favorite!" Nikki yelled as Jen nodded quickly.

The opening notes started, and Maggie could feel tears in her eyes. She had to admit this had always been her favorite song as well. Justin stood up and started singing his verse, walking around to the little girls along the front row and waving to them or touching their hands. He stopped when he got the middle and got in front of Maggie, right on the line, "There's an angel, it's a miracle,". That made a couple of the tears fall down her cheeks slowly. Jen noticed and hugged her close to him, as did Nikki. They sat there and hugged each other as they listened to the rest of the song, wondering how they ever got so lucky to be in this position.

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