Chapter 34

Maggie, Nikki, and Jen sat in the hall waiting for the guys as they showered and changed after the show. Lance came out first and Nikki sat up quickly. "Well, I promised my girl some ice cream tonight, so we'll see you all later," Lance replied, putting out his arm for Nikki to take. "Yeah I'll call you tomorrow," Nikki replied looking back to Maggie as she linked her arm in his and they walked towards the back entrance. Joey and Chris came out next. "We're gonna go to a club and actually find some girls this time," Chris replied rolling his eyes. Maggie and Jen laughed at them as they said their goodbyes. JC came out next and helped Jen up off the floor and hugged her. "I'm starving, Chinese?" he asked her hopefully. "Sure," she replied. "Is Justin almost done?" Maggie whined, growing impatient. "I think so, you know that boy takes a whole day to get ready, especially for you," JC replied. She nodded and sighed. "See you guys later," she replied.

She sat outside for about fifteen more minutes. She was so tired from such a long day that she rested her head against the wall and closed her eyes. Justin finally came out of the dressing room slowly, hoping Maggie wouldn't be mad. He smiled tenderly when he saw her sitting against the wall with her eyes closed. He walked up to her and sat down in front of her. A few minutes later she opened her eyes sleepily. "Hey sleepyhead," Justin replied. "You took forever," she grumbled. "Sorry Sweets, I wanted to look my best for you," he replied standing up. She admired him for a minute. He was wearing dark green cargo pants, a black t-shirt and a matching green vest. "You always look your best Justy," she said as he held his hands out to help her up. "Thanks," he replied. "Did I tell you how much I love your outfit today?" he asked her while they walked to the door.


Maggie sighed quietly as she sat in the passenger's seat of Justin's Explorer. They were parked on a cliff that overlooked the city. It reminded Maggie of a cheesy eigties movie where they'd park on a cliff and make out. "I need to get something out of the backseat," Justin replied opening his door and walking to the back door. He sat on the backseat and acted like he was looking for something. He picked up his backpack and rummaged through it, then through some papers on the floor.

"What are you looking for?" Maggie asked him turning around. He put the backpack and the papers down and got a sly grin on his face, and Maggie was afraid to hear his answer. "It's pretty comfy back here," he replied patting the leather seat next to him. "Oh really? So do you want me to drive home now?" she asked. "Maggie," he sighed, annoyed. She laughed at him when he pulled her into the backseat next to him. They sat there curled up in each other's arms for awhile.

A few minutes later Justin pulled Maggie closer to him and kissed her passionately. She deepened the kiss and slid his vest off of him. He ran his hands up and down her arms and felt the goosebumps on them. She pulled away from the kiss and ran her hands through his curls, then let her fingers run along the back of his neck softly. He let his hands roam down to the edge of her tank top and pulled it off of her slowly. She looked at him and bit her bottom lip out of nervousness. He gave her a comforting smile which made her relax a little more.

She pulled his hand up to her mouth and kissed all his fingertips, then the palms of his hands, the backs of them, then to his wrist and all the way up his arms. She felt him shudder when she kissed a certain spot on his arm. She smiled and kissed it a few more times, which she knew would drive him crazy. She looked up at him and gave him a small smile. She kissed him again and her hands landed on the waist of his pants. She unbuttoned and unzipped them slowly, as he did the same to hers.

Justin leaned on top of her and kissed her chest while reached behind her to unhook her bra. It was then that Maggie pulled back a little bit. He ignored it and kept kissing her chest and tried to reach around her, but the door was in the way. "Justin, wait," she said pushing him away gently. He looked up at her confused. "What's wrong?" he asked, a little bit annoyed. She took a deep breath to relax. "This isn't right, Justin. I mean, look, we're in the backseat of your car," she started. "So you're saying you don't want to, with me?" he asked becoming hurt. "No, no, that's not what I'm saying Justin, I want to more than anything, but not like this. I want it to be special," she said looking down at her hands. He nodded slowly, he had to admit he didn't really want their first time to be in the backseat of his car either. "It will be special, Mags," he whispered kissing her softly. She let out a sigh of relief, reaching for her tank top. "How about we go look at that view out there?" Justin asked taking her hand. She nodded slowly as he opened the door for her.

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