Chapter 36

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*****AUTHOR'S NOTE*****
This chapter contains some sexual content. If you can't handle that or don't want to read it, just skip to the next chapter. You won't be missing out on anything huge if you skip it. Please don't email me complaining about the sex scene, because you were properly warned. Thanks!

Justin held Maggie closer than he ever had before. The song was so perfect for the situation. He was so worried about leaving on Wednesday and what would happen with Maggie. And he could tell she was scared too. Nothing was going to be the same anymore, and that worried him the most.

Justin pulled back a little bit and lifted Maggie's chin up gently. "I love you, Maggie. And we can make this work, I know we can. I've never loved anyone before or felt the way I feel about you, and there is no way I'm losing you," he said softly, staring deep into her green eyes. A single tear fell down her cheek and Justin wiped it away gently. "I love you too, Justin," she whispered, laying her head back on his chest.

The song ended and Maggie lifted her head up again. She stood up on her tiptoes and kissed his bottom lip softly. She licked her lips and looked up into his eyes. He swallowed hard and stared back at her. She wrapped her arms around his neck and hugged him tightly. She knew this was it, she knew it was time. She'd never felt so right about anything before. "Justin, make love to me," she whispered softly into his ear. He moved his head back to look at her as he nodded slowly. "I'll be right back," she whispered unwrapping her arms from him and running upstairs.

A minute or so later she came back down and kissed Justin softly on the lips. She turned around and blew the two candles on the table out. Justin walked over to her and wrapped his arms around her and kissed her deeply. He swept her up into his arms and carried her upstairs slowly. He stopped at the door to her bedroom to open the door. He opened it slowly and was amazed at the site. There were rose pedals scattered all over the floor and on the bed, soft music playing, and a few dozen candles lit everywhere around the room.

"It's beautiful, Maggie," he said still admiring it. He carried her over to the bed and laid her down softly, never taking his eyes off hers. He laid on top of her gently and left a trail of soft kisses all over her jawline, her neck, her shoulders, and her chest. She closed her eyes to take in the moment. She reached for the bottom of his sweater and pulled it off of him. He unzipped the back of her dress and slipped it off of her, revealing her black bra and panties.

"Have you ever before?" he whispered. She nodded slowly. "Only a few times, with Ryan," she said, determined not to think of him. "Have you?" she asked. He nodded. "Yeah, only a few times too," he said. She unbuckled his belt and pushed his pants off of him. He kissed her chest again and smiled when heard her heart beating fast. "You nervous?" he asked. She looked at him with scared eyes and nodded. She'd never been so scared about anything in her life before.

He leaned up and looked her in the eyes. "Are you sure you want to do this?" he asked. She nodded again, "Yes, I've never been so sure of something before," she said. The candlelight was glowing onto her face, making her look more beautiful than ever before. He smiled to her, which calmed her nerves, and she leaned up and started kissing his chest and his stomach. Soon Justin had taken off Maggie's bra and panties, and with shaking hands, Maggie pulled his boxers off of him. He leaned up and kissed her softly as he pushed inside of her. He pulled away and she bit her bottom lip out of pain, she hadn't done this for two years, and her body wasn't used to it. "You okay?" he asked right away. "Yeah, keep going," she urged him. He nodded and kissed her nose, her chin, her forehead, her cheeks, and her eyelids as he pushed in and out of her slowly. She wrapped her arms around his neck and let her hands slide up to his hair where she ran her hands through his curls. She let her hands land on his face, where she ran her fingers over his whole face, his eyelids, his cheeks, and his lips. When they landed on his lips he kissed each one of them gently as he let his own fingers run over her stomach lightly. He leaned down to her and kissed her passionately as they climaxed in each other's arms.


Later that night they were still lying in each other's arms, almost asleep. Justin stared into Maggie's eyes as they fluttered open and closed slowly out of tiredness. A few curls were falling down around her face, and her face was still a little sweaty, and she looked amazing. He pulled her tighter into her arms. "I love you, Maggie Leigh Sutton," he whispered into her ear. She raised her head off of his arm slowly. "I love you, Justin Randall Timberlake," she said softly before drifting to sleep in his arms.
