Chapter 37

The next morning Maggie woke up in Justin's arms. She smiled up to him as he lay there sleeping peacefully. She slid her fingers up his arm to his shoulder, then up to his face. She traced the outline of his face with her finger, then brushed it against his cheeks, his nose, his chin, and his lips. She wanted to make sure she remembered every little detail about him. She laid there and watched him sleep for probably an hour, studying every single one of his features carefully. She wanted to imbed them into her memory forever.

He finally woke up a little while later, opening his eyes slowly and yawning. "Morning, Justy," Maggie said quietly. "Morning, angel," he smiled. He pulled her closer into his arms, remembering everything that had happened the night before. He leaned down and rubbed his nose against hers, which made her giggle. "Only three more days," she whispered sadly. He shook his head at her. "Don't think like that, Mags," he demanded. "We'll make them last forever," he whispered, leaning down and kissing her.


They decided to take a hot bubble bath together, since Maggie's parents wouldn't be home until late that night. Maggie sat on Justin's lap with her back leaning against his chest, with his chin rested on her head. She played with the bubbles in her hands and turned around and dumped some on Justin's curls. "You've done it now, Magsy," he said angrily. She laughed at him as she tried to get away, but it was difficult. The bathtub was big, but not that big. "Two can play at this game," he said evilly. She squealed as he dumped water and bubbles over her head. She spit them out of her mouth as she tried to catch her breath. He laughed at her and wiped the bubbles out of her eyes. "Sorry, but revenge is sweet," he whispered giving her a wicked smile. "Sorry Justy," she whispered, wiping some bubbles onto his nose with a giggle.


They were by each other's sides the entire day. Most of the day they just sat around, holding each other, enjoying their time together while they had it. Now they were sitting on the swing on Maggie's deck. They were sitting under a canopy, watching a few sprinkles of rain fall onto the ground. Maggie was laying down, with her head in Justin's lap. He played with her curls gently, treating them like they were precious diamonds.

After sitting there awhile Justin heard Maggie sigh loudly. "What's wrong Magsy?" he asked, still sitting up. "I was just thinking," she replied. "About what?" he asked. "About what's gonna happen to us," she said quietly. "What do you mean what's gonna happen to us? We're gonna stay together, aren't we?" he asked worried. He felt her nod her head against his legs. "I'm just scared, I guess. What if you meet a girl who's more beautiful, or skinnier, and you forget about me? What if I turn out not to be good enough for you?" she asked, and Justin could tell she was crying and that she'd been thinking about this alot.

"Maggie, how can you even say that?" he asked, pushing her up to sit next to him. "You are more than good enough, you are perfect for me, you know it and I know it. There will never be anyone better than you, do you understand me?" he asked, holding her shoulders and looking her in the eye. "Yeah, I understand," she replied quietly. "Good," he said. "And how do I know you're not gonna find one of those hot Northwestern football players and dump me?" he asked with a puppy dog face. She laughed at him. "I don't think you'll need to worry about that either," she replied.


Then you look at me
And I always see
What I have been searching for
I'm lost as can be
Then you look at me
And I am not lost anymore


*~*Then You Look at Me~Celine Deion*~*

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