Chapter 4

"Maybe it was a mistake bringing you to the Virgin Megastore," Maggie said eyeing the three huge bags Justin lugged out of the store. "Are you kidding?! I love that store!" he exclaimed as she just giggled at him.

The pair continued walking down Michigan Avenue looking in store windows and occasionally going in one and browsing. They had just come out of Gap when two young girls spotted Justin. He saw them and noticed them start whispering to each other, then to two other girls near them. He tried to walk by without being noticed, but it was hopeless.

"OH MY GOD!!! IT'S JUSTIN TIMBERLAKE!!!" a shrill, high-pitched scream stopped Maggie and Justin dead in their tracks. He pulled his baseball cap down further to cover his face and tried to just keep walking, but it didn't work. He was mobbed by a group of about a dozen ten year olds, all screaming various things like: "JUSTIN, JUSTIN, I LOVE YOU!!! WILL YOU MARRY ME???" "I WANT TO HAVE YOUR BABY, JUSTIN!!!" "WE'RE MEANT TO BE TOGETHER, I KNOW IT JUSTIN!!!" "OH MY GOD JUSTIN, I LOVE YOU SO MUCH, CAN I HAVE AN AUTOGRAPH!!!" The girls' parents tried to pull them away, but it wasn't working. The girls were pulling at his clothes, his arms, his legs, trying to get any piece of him that they could.

Maggie backed up against the wall, bewildered of the whole scene. She watched with wide eyes as Justin struggled against the girls. They were beginning to try to pull out his hair. She ran into the Gap to the counter. "Do you have any security guards in here? We need help outside!" she yelled, causing the whole store to turn and stare at her. "Yes, one moment please," the cashier said picking up the phone and pushing some buttons. "Please, hurry!" Maggie cried, glancing out the window where Justin was still being mobbed, as the group grew larger.

Two big security guards came running out a door and followed Maggie outside to Justin. It took awhile, but they finally got all the girls away from him. He signed autographs for the girls who refused to leave until they got one. After about fifteen minutes, all the girls were gone, and Justin was safe. "Son, don't you have a bodyguard with you?" one of the officers asked sternly. "No, they let me go without one tonight," Justin answered. "I suggest you have one with you from now on. This is a big city you know," the guard said. "Yeah, thanks for all your help," Justin replied as he and Maggie walked away.


"Well, that was scary," Justin said trying to make conversation. "I'm so sorry Justin, this is all my fault," Maggie said quietly. "What? This wasn't your fault at all! You couldn't control the teenyboppers from mobbing me!" Justin replied. "I know, but I shouldn't have brought you out where there were so many people, it was really stupid of me to do," she explained. "Maggie, don't worry about it. This has happened to me alot more than you think. I'm pretty much used to it by now. This isn't your fault, please believe me," he said as they stopped walking and he grabbed both her hands. "Okay," she said quietly looking down.

"Why don't we go somewhere that's a little more private?" Justin suggested. "Okay, what exactly did you have in mind?" Maggie asked. "How about the beach?" he asked. "Sure, I love the beach," she said smiling. "Okay, lead the way," he said holding his hand out for her to take.

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