Chapter 42

"Thanks, here ya go," Justin said quietly, handing the cab driver a $10 bill. The cabbie nodded and Justin got out and shut the door. He walked up to the front door slowly, even though it was still pouring rain. He opened the door and slammed it, then walked into the living room and plopped down on the couch. JC was busy packing up a box of cd's and didn't notice him come in. He turned around and saw a soaking wet Justin crying softly on the couch.

"I'm sorry Justin, I know you hate to leave her here, but the time without her will fly by," JC said standing up and walking over to the couch. Justin looked straight ahead with a distant look on his face. He shook his head slowly. "No JC, we broke up," he whispered. "Oh my God, why did you break up because you're leaving? You can make this work, Justin, don't give up that easily," JC started rambling, sitting down next to him. Justin stared straight ahead and shook his head again. "No, she lied to me. All of it's been lies," he replied. JC gave him a confused look. "I can't talk about it right now, I gotta go pack," he said standing up and shuffling to the stairs slowly. JC sat there in shock, he wanted to know what happened, but he knew to give him some space.


Maggie sat on the beach all night long, in a daze. She sat there through the rain, in the same place. She didn't want to accept that he was gone. Finally when the sun came up she made her way home, she knew her parents would be worried. To her surprise they didn't even mind she was coming home in the morning. They figured she stayed at Justin's, and for some reason that was okay with them. They noticed Maggie looked depressed, but they figured it was because Justin left early that morning. She went up to her room quietly and shut the door behind her.

Everything in the room reminded her of Justin. The posters on the closet doors, her bed where they made love, the stuffed monkey he bought for her. She smiled sadly at the monkey and sat down on the bed and cuddled to it. She sat there for a couple of hours, but it didn't seem that long to her.


"Hi Mrs.Sutton, is Maggie here?" Nikki asked Maggie's mom. "Yeah she's up in her room, I think she's upset about Justin leaving, she hasn't come out all day," her mom replied opening the door for Nikki. "I figured she'd be like that," Nikki replied heading upstairs.

She knocked on the door softly and didn't receive an answer, so she walked in. She found Maggie curled up in a ball on her bed, wearing a pair of boxer shorts she'd stolen from Justin's room once, the same gray sweatshirt as yesterday, and she was cuddling Shot, the stuffed monkey. Maggie didn't even look up when Nikki walked in.

"How ya doing?" Nikki asked sitting down on the other end of the bed. Maggie shook her head and stared at the monkey. "He left me," she whispered. "I know, Lance left me too, but they'll be back soon," Nikki said trying to cheer her up. "No Nik, he broke up with me," Maggie said, her voice was barely above a whisper, and her head was still down. "Oh my God, why?" she exclaimed.

Maggie looked up at her. Nikki could see all the hurt in Maggie's eyes, and they were all red and puffy from crying. Nikki recognized that face, it was the same face as when she and Ryan broke up. "I told him the truth," Maggie said as she started crying. Nikki scooted over and put an arm around her, urging her to continue. "And he told me he couldn't stand my lies, he wanted to know what else he didn't know about me," she said shrugging her shoulders. "He'll get over it, Mags, I'm sure he was just upset and overreacting," Nikki replied.

Maggie looked straight ahead with a distant look on her face. She shook her head slowly. "He said he was sorry he fell in love with me," she said so quietly that Nikki could barely hear her. Nikki's mouth dropped open. "No he didn't," she shook her head as Maggie nodded again. "It's over, forever," Maggie said as a few tears fell down her cheeks. "Maggie, he'll realize what he gave up and he'll come running back to you, I know he will. How could he not? You're his only love, he's not going to leave you like this," Nikki tried to reassure her. "No Nik, it's over. Can I just be alone?" Maggie asked. Nikki nodded. "I'll be over tomorrow," she replied walking out.


Nikki went downstairs and found Maggie's mom. "Mrs.Sutton, did you know Justin broke up with Maggie?" she asked when she found her in the kitchen. Mrs.Sutton dropped the dish she was washing into the sink. "No he didn't," she said shaking her head. "Yeah he did. I just thought you might want to keep an eye on her, you know," Nikki said. Her mom nodded. "Yeah, I'll do that, thanks Nikki, I'm gonna go talk to her," Mrs.Sutton started. "She wants to be alone, I think she'll be okay as long as she's in her room, just keep an eye on her for me?" Nikki asked with tears in her eyes. She was terrified Maggie would do what she did last time. Her mom nodded as a tear fell down her cheek, she was terrified too.

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