Chapter 43

Justin stared out the window of the plane and sighed sadly. He watched the sunrise, and he couldn't help but think of Maggie. He felt awful for the way he treated her. But to him two of the main things in a relationship were trust and honesty, and Maggie had broken both of those. If she lied to him about that for so long, he had no idea what else she could be keeping from him. A part of him knew there couldn't be anything else she'd be hiding, but another part of him said it was possible, he never would've guessed what she told him about her past. He looked down to his wrist at the small friendship bracelet she'd made him awhile ago. He smiled to it as he pushed it back and forth on his wrist.

Everyone noticed Justin seemed really down, and JC had informed the rest of the group that he and Maggie had broken up. Lance sat next to Justin on the plane and watched him look out the window. He had such a look of lonliness and hurt on his face, Lance had never seen him look so sad before. "So are you ever gonna tell us what happened, or am I gonna have to get the scoop from Nikki?" Lance finally broke the silence and asked him. Justin sighed and turned to face him.

"She lied to me, about her past, she hadn't told me a huge part of her life, and it kinda upset me," he replied. "Kinda?" "Okay, it really upset me. God, I feel so stupid, I trusted her and I believed her, and then she tells me she's been lying all this time. Now what am I supposed to believe?" Justin asked confused, his eyes filling with tears. Lance had no idea what the secret about Maggie's past was, but he knew her intentions were never wrong.

"Justin, I know Maggie would never intentionally hurt you, you have to know that. I'm sure she had a legitamite reason for not telling you," Lance started. "She didn't want to lose me, kind of ironic, huh?" Justin cut him off. "Yeah it is. You can't stay mad at her forever, not at someone you love so much," Lance stated.

Justin thought about that for awhile. Would he stay mad forever, or would he be over it in a few days? It seemed so huge to him. In the business he was in, it wasn't easy for him to trust anyone. He'd built up such a barrier against everyone, his managers and record executives, some friends, and many girls. He never knew what their intentions were, if they were after his money or fame. But with Maggie, trusting her never even seemed like an issue to him. She made it so easy to do, and he thought she could never do any wrong. Then to have such a huge trust that's usually hard to build broken, it was hard for him to accept. He hated being the bad guy in the situation, but there was nothing else for him to do.

He decided to take a nap, it was still early in the morning and his head hurt from thinking so much about the same thing over and over again. He sighed loudly, tried to get comfortable, and fell into a dream world where he was with Maggie and everything was okay.


"How's Maggie doing today?" Nikki asked the next morning. Mrs.Sutton shrugged. "It's hard to tell, she wouldn't eat anything yesterday, but I got her to eat some toast this morning, and she's only left her room a few times to go to the bathroom," she replied. Nikki shook her head. "I'll try to get her out of bed," she decided going up to her room.

"Come on Mags, we're going shopping today," Nikki said barging into Maggie's room. She was still in bed, and she was staring at a framed picture of her and Justin. She shook her head slowly and continued to stare at the picture. Nikki took it from her and looked at it. "Who took this?" she asked. "The guys gave it to me the day before they left," Maggie replied sadly. "You feeling any better?" Nikki asked giving the picture back. Maggie shook her head. "Well do you want to go shopping? I'll buy you a frapuccino," Nikki offered. "That's okay, I just feel like staying here today," she replied.

Nikki sighed at her friend. "You can't stay in bed forever, you know. School starts in a few weeks and then you can focus all your attention on that," she replied. "I know, but for right now I need to be alone," Maggie said sadly. Nikki nodded, she didn't want to pressure her anymore. "Okay, I'll call you later," she replied leaving.


Maggie couldn't get over the intense guilt she felt for lying. She'd never told a lie in her whole life, and the first one she ever did ruined the greatest thing she'd ever had. She wished Justin could understand why she did it, and the fact that he didn't made her feel even worse. She knew why she did it and she understood it, but as long as Justin didn't, it didn't even matter.

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