Chapter 44

The next day Maggie sat on the floor in front of her bed. She had about twenty or thirty pills spilled out on the bed. There were sleeping pills, aspirin, and a bunch of prescription pills she found in the bathroom, such as pills for high blood pressure and allergies. A few tears fell down her cheeks as she looked at the note she'd just finished writing. She brushed her fingers across the writing as she read it over.

*~*Dear Mom, Dad, Nik, and everyone else:

I'm sorry I had to do this to all of you. Just please believe me that it wasn't any of your fault. I couldn't believe that I was lucky enough to find another love, and then to have it taken away again. The unbearable pain is too hard for me to take anymore. I want to be taken to a place where hurt and pain don't exist and I know I'll be happy there forever. If you talk to Justin, please tell him I love him and I'll never forget him. I love you all, goodbye.


More tears fell down her cheeks as she finished reading the note. She was so worried about her parents thinking it was their fault that she had to write the note. She glanced at the pills again and then to the huge glass of water next to her on the floor.

Just then a song came on the radio that made her think of Justin.


I am thinking of you
In my sleepless solitude tonight
If it's wrong to love you,
Then my heart just won't let me be right
'Cuz I'm drowned in you and I won't pull through
Without you by my side

I'd give my all
To have just one more night with you
I'd risk my life to feel
Your body next to mine
'Cuz I can't go on
Living in the memory of our song
I'd give my all
For your love tonight

Baby can you feel me
Imagining I'm looking in your eyes
I can see you clearly
Vividly amazened in my mind
And you're just so far
Like a distant star
I'm wishing on tonight

I'd give my all
To have just one more night with you
I'd risk my life
To feel your body next to mine
'Cuz i can't go on
Living in the memory of our song
I'd give my all for your love tonight

I'd give my all
to have just one more night with you
i'd risk my life
To feel your body next to mine
'Cuz I can't go on
Living in the memory of our song
I'd give my all for your love tonight

I'd give my all
for your love tonight

*~*My All*~*Mariah Carey*~*

Maggie started crying hysterically. She couldn't take it anymore, the pain was too unbearable for her to take. She looked to the pills again. "I'm sorry, I love you Justin," she whispered as she shoved a handfull of pills into her mouth and swallowed them down with water.

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