Chapter 45

"Hello Nikki, I haven't checked on Maggie lately, why don't you go see how she's doing?" Mrs.Sutton asked Nikki as she let her in the front door. "Okay, I brough a movie over, maybe it will take her mind off Justin," Nikki shrugged. "I hope so," her mom replied.

"Hey Mags, I brought over Empire Records, I know this movie can always make you laugh," Nikki replied barging into Maggie's room. "Oh my God!!!" she screamed as she saw the sight on the floor. A limp, lifeless Maggie was lying on the floor in front of the bed, pills spilled out all over next to her. Her face had a bluish purple tint to it, and Nikki knew she didn't have much time left.

Maggie's mom had come running upstairs when she heard Nikki scream. When she got there she saw Maggie lying on the floor with a sobbing Nikki hugging her. "No Mags, no, not now, not again, no Mags, no!!!" she was yelling, shaking her. Nikki looked up and saw Maggie's mom. "Is she breathing?" her mom asked. "Barely," Nikki replied. "Go call 911," Nikki instructed. Her mom nodded and ran to the phone downstairs.


A few minutes later Maggie was being lifted onto a stretcher and into an ambulance. Mrs.Sutton and Nikki jumped into the back of the ambulance with her. When they got to the hospital she was rushed into the emergency room to have her stomach pumped. They were instructed to stay in the waiting room and someone would come update them on her condition as soon as they could. Mrs.Sutton ran to the pay phones to call her husband.

Nikki waited behind and thought about calling Justin. She knew this all happened because of Justin, and she had to admit she hated him right now, but he did have a right to know what happened. She rummaged through her purse to find all the guys' cell phone numbers. She found Justin's and dialed the pay phone with shaking hands.


"Hello?" Justin answered after a few rings. "Justin? This is Nikki," she said quietly. "Nikki?" he sounded surprised. "What can I do for ya?" he asked. "It's Maggie," she whispered. "Maggie, what's wrong with her? I can tell there's something wrong, what happened Nikki?" he asked worried. "She's in the hospital.." she started crying.

Then it hit Justin, he knew what happened. It was the same thing as last time, with Ryan. He swallowed hard, he already knew this was all his fault. "I'll be right there, I'll be on the next plane to Chicago, bye," he said quickly, then hanging up. Nikki stood there in shock with the phone in her hands. He's coming all the way back here for her? She shook her head. "He can't possibly be sorry he fell in love with her," she whispered to herself.

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