Chapter 46

"You can go in and see her now," Mr.Sutton replied to Nikki after coming back from Maggie's room. "How is she?" Nikki asked worried. "They say she's going to be okay, they got most of the pills out of her stomach, and right now they're just trying to get her pulse and heart rate back up to normal after they were so low for so long," Mrs.Sutton explained. Nikki nodded slowly. "Okay," she replied, heading to Maggie's room.


Nikki started crying softly as soon as she saw a sleeping Maggie in bed, this was becoming an all too familiar scene. She thought back to when this happened two years ago. Nikki walked over to the bed and sat in the chair next to it. "Maggie, I know you did this because of Justin, but you have to believe he still loves you. I know you don't understand me now, but you'll see soon. They're gonna make me leave soon, but just know that I love you and I'm thinking about you and praying for you," she replied blowing her a kiss and walking out.


Nikki and Maggie's parents were sitting around the waiting room reading magazines. Nikki looked up and happened to notice Justin walk in quietly. The look of guilt and sadness on his face was too much for her to take, and she didn't know about Maggie, but she forgave him right then and there.

He looked down to the floor as he shoved his hands in his jacket pockets. "Hi Justin," Nikki said quietly. "Hey," he replied. He saw three pairs of eyes staring him down. Maggie's parents were a bit surprised to see him there, but they forgave him as soon as they saw him too. "She's in room 314 if you want to see her," Mrs.Sutton replied. "Thanks," he said quietly, turning around. Right when he got to the doorway he turned back around. "I'm really sorry," he said with tears in his eyes. "Honey, it's not your fault," Maggie's mom replied getting up and hugging him. He nodded slowly and went off to find Maggie's room.


He found her room and he took a deep breath as he stood outside the door. He had no idea what to expect when he walked in. He hated hospitals, but then he remembered this was where he met Maggie for the first time. A small smile formed on his face as he opened the door slowly.

He walked in to find Maggie lying in bed asleep with a few tubes hooked up to her. Her face was still very pale with dark circles under her eyes. She already looked like she'd lost some weight. A few tears fell from Justin's eyes as soon as he saw her. He walked over to the bed and sat down in the chair next to it. He grabbed her hand and held it close to his face as he cried by her side.

He took another deep breath to calm himself down then looked up to her. Even with the tubes, and with how sick she looked, she still looked gorgeous to Justin. "I'm sorry, Maggie," he said simply. Just as he was about to confess the love he still had for her, her eyes fluttered open slowly.

"Justin?" she managed to get out quietly. He nodded and smiled to her. She closed and opened her eyes a few times. "Is this a dream?" she asked, it seemed all too impossible to her that Justin would be there by her side when she woke up. She had just been dreaming that Justin came and took her back and they went on to live happily ever after.

He smiled at her innocence and confusion. "No Sweets, I'm really here," he said brushing his hand against her cheek. She smiled when she heard him call her Sweets. "You didn't have to come because you felt bad, or because you felt guilty, or because someone made you," she started, as she realized that was probably why he was there. He stopped her with a finger on her lips. "I want to be here, Mags, Nikki called and said you were in the hospital, I didn't even know what was wrong with you, but I was on the first plane here," he said with another tear falling down his cheek. "Really?" she asked. He nodded.

"So you really want to be here? What about the tour?" she asked. "We've been rehearsing all this week, and I still remember everything from the old show. So I have about four days here before I have to go back," he replied. "And yes, I really want to be here, there's nowhere else in this entire world that I'd rather be," he replied leaning up and kissing her cheek. She smiled when she felt his soft lips against her skin. It gave her the same butterflies it always had before.

"You'd better get some rest," he replied pulling the covers up over her. She nodded and closed her eyes. "Goodnight, my angel," he said kissing her forehead before falling asleep in the chair by her side.

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