Chapter 47

The next morning Justin and Nikki were sitting in the hospital cafeteria eating breakfast. They hadn't said much, but Nikki was dying to know why Justin was so quick to come back and see Maggie.

"Justin, why did you come back?" she asked softly. He looked up at her in surprise as he thought about the question. He shrugged his shoulders slowly. "I was worried about her," he replied simply. "But why couldn't you have just called to see how she was doing? Why did you fly all the way back here to see someone you practically said you hated?" she asked, refusing to give up. He finally sighed in defeat. "I still care about her," he replied. "Just care?"

Justin sat there and thought about the question for what seemed like forever. All his feelings were so confused and jumbled up right now, he had no idea what to think or feel anymore. When Maggie had told him about her past and her lying, he did hate her. After a couple of days of being absolutely miserable without her, he realized he did still love her, but not in the same way as before. The trust was gone, and to him it just felt different. And it would take alot to bring back that trust.


"I don't know," he said sounding frustrated, standing up and walking out. Nikki sat behind at the table, and now she was more confused than ever too.


"How are you feeling this morning?" Justin asked Maggie when he went back upstairs. "A little better," she whispered. He nodded and flashed his million dollar smile at her. It broke her heart to be so close to him and have him be so sweet to her, then realize that she couldn't have him anymore. Justin could sense the sadness in her face, but he didn't ask what was wrong, because he knew the answer.

He sat down in the chair next to her and grabbed her hand. "Maggie, please promise me you'll be okay," he said sincerely. She gave him a confused look. "Promise me that you won't ever hurt yourself like this ever again," he said seriously. She looked down to avoid his stare. She couldn't promise him, she knew she couldn't. He didn't know how awful she felt right now, he could never know.

"Time for breakfast, Maggie," a cheerful nurse said barging into the room, breaking the eerie silence that had fallen over it. "I'll be back later," Justin replied walking out. "Wow, what a stud, is that your boyfriend?" the nurse asked. Maggie looked down to her hands again as she shook her head. "He used to be," she said softly. "If I had a guy like that I'd never let him go," the nurse replied walking out. "That's what I said," Maggie said starting to cry softly.

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