Chapter 48

"Come on Maggie, cheer up, you're going home tonight," Nikki urged Maggie the next night. "Yeah, great," Maggie said glumly as she tied her shoe. "Mags, he came back to see you, he cares about you, he might even still love you," Nikki said sitting down next to her on the bed. "He might still love me, that's all I have, Nik, a maybe, and I don't even think I have that," Maggie said with tears in her eyes. Nikki put her arm around her. "Maggie, if you two are meant to be together, it will happen. I mean, think about how you met, how random that was. That's the kind of thing that only happens in movies. And then how tragically he left you, then how he miraculously came back for you. Those aren't all coincidences," Nikki said sincerely. "I guess so," Maggie said shrugging her shoulders.


"You all ready to go?" Justin asked popping his head in the doorway. Maggie quickly wiped the tears away from her eyes and nodded happily. She figured if she put on a happy face for Justin he wouldn't worry about her so much. "Let's go, m'lady," he said sweetly, holding his arm out for her. She smiled to him and snuggled up to his arm.


"You gonna be okay?" Justin asked when they got back to Maggie's house. He was staying there in the guest room before he left late tomorrow night. She looked around the room slowly, it held too many horrible memories for her. Memories of Ryan, memories of Justin, and memories of trying to take her own life twice. She shuddered at the thought of her lifeless body lying on the floor. Justin noticed it and knew she wasn't going to be okay. "I don't think I want to stay in here tonight," she said slowly inching towards the door. "It's okay Mags, you can take my room, and I'll take the couch," Justin offered.

After a long debate about who would sleep where, Maggie insisting Justin stay in the guest room and Justin insisting the same for Maggie, he finally gave in. Maggie was the kind of stubborn person who wouldn't ever give in.


"Now you're sure you don't want the guest room?" he asked her for the hundredth time. "I'm sure Justin, just go," she said firmly, even though she really did want to sleep in there, but only if it was in his arms. She sat down on the couch and watched him start to walk up the stairs. She stared at his retreating form in black Nike shorts and a white wife beater, and all she wanted was to be held in his strong arms again. She always felt so safe in his arms no matter what.

"Justin, wait," she called to him. He came running downstairs to her. "Are you okay?" he asked frantically. She nodded, even though Justin could see her eyes glistening with tears. "Can you just stay down here with me for a little while, until I fall asleep?" she asked quietly.

He stared at her, she looked so adorable in her pink flannel pajamas, but she just wasn't the same Maggie anymore. She was like a scared, hurt little girl, just like she had been when he first met her. He hated himself for bringing that girl back out, after watching her evolve into a confident, strong young woman. He smiled tenderly to her and nodded. "Thanks," she whispered.


At first Maggie just laid on the couch with her legs thrown over Justin's lap, but she could not fall asleep that way. After about fifteen minutes she sat up, frustrated. "I can't get to sleep," she said angrily. He laughed at her being so dramatic about falling asleep. "How about some tea or something?" he asked. She shook her head quickly. She didn't know how to admit to him that the only thing that would help was his singing to her or just being in his arms.

"Well then what will help?" he asked softly. She took a nervous deep breath and laid her head on his shoulder. He looked down at her nervously, he didn't know if he wanted to get this close or have her get too attached to him while he was here. But all of his fears were pushed aside quickly. He wrapped his arms around her tightly and pulled them both down to lay down on the couch.


He looked down to Maggie as she closed her eyes to try to get to sleep. He smiled at her and brushed a few stray curls off her face. He watched her chest go up and down with each breath, and soon his breathing was in sync with hers. He was more confused than ever now. He had been worried about her growing too attached to him, but now he was worried about himself getting too attached to her.

He sighed and hummed softly to help her get to sleep. After a few minutes he could tell she was fast asleep. He kissed the top of her head and fell asleep by her side.

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