Chapter 49

Maggie's parents woke up early to find Maggie and Justin curled up sleeping next to each other on the couch. "So are they back together?" her dad asked. Her mom sighed, "Who knows," she replied.

A few minutes later Maggie opened her eyes and nearly had a heart attack when she saw Justin sleeping next to her. She noticed his arms wrapped around her waist and she smiled and snuggled closer to him.

Justin woke up a little later and tried to figure out where he was. Then he remembered he was at Maggie's house, in her living room, on the couch. Then he noticed Maggie snuggled close to him. Panic rushed through him as he remembered what happened the night before. He forgot to go back up to his room after she fell asleep. He knew she was going to think he still wanted to be with her, and he was afraid he'd have to break her heart again.


Maggie looked up to him and smiled. "We have the problem of always falling asleep next to each other," she replied. He smiled to her and nodded. "Yes we do," he replied trying to get up. She pulled him back down to her and hugged him. He took a deep breath out of frustration. "Maggie, don't," he said softly. She looked up at him confused. "We're just friends," he said firmly, although he was still trying to convince himself of that. "I know," she replied sadly. "I'm sorry," he whispered. "It's okay," she said.

"I've gotta go get ready for therapy," she said jumping up, wanting to get away from him as soon as possible so he wouldn't see her cry. "Maggie, wait," he said trying to get her attention, but she was already upstairs. He sighed to himself again and ran his fingers through his hair in frustration.


Justin went upstairs to Maggie's room and waited for her to get out of the shower. She walked into the room with a towel over her wet hair, and only an over-sized towel over the rest of her. Justin swallowed hard when he saw her, she still looked amazing to him. She looked up from towel-drying her hair and almost jumped when she saw him. "Justin! You just scared the crap out of me, what are you doing?" she asked frantically, pulling the towel tighter around her. He laughed at her. "I was just waiting for you," he replied standing up.

"I'm sorry about how I acted earlier, but I just want you to understand that we're just friends," he said firmly. She nodded. "I know, Justin," she said annoyed. "Sorry to kick you out, but I've gotta change," she said pushing him towards the door. "Alright, I'm gonna go take a shower," he sighed.


"So are you sure you're going to be okay?" Dr.Adams asked for the millionth time. Maggie rolled her eyes, she'd been in there for what seemed like hours, and she'd been asked that question about seventy five percent of the time. "Here's a prescription for some anti-depressants, I want you to take them three times a day, and don't forget. And here's my number if you need to talk, and use it, okay?" Dr.Adams asked. "Yes, I've got it," Maggie replied. "Maggie I know this is annoying you, but I've gotta make sure you're okay," she said patting her hand. "I know, I appreciate it," Maggie replied. "Okay, be sure to get this prescription filled today, and I'll see you in a couple days," Dr.Adams instructed. Maggie nodded and headed for the door.


Maggie walked in the front door to see Justin sitting on the couch waiting for her. He jumped up and went over to her as soon as she got inside. "Well it's nice to see you too," she laughed. "Please tell me you haven't been sitting there waiting for me for three hours," she asked. He dropped his head to hide an embarassed smile. "Afraid so," he answered. "Oh my gosh, teen pop superstar, Justin Timberlake, taking time out of his busy schedule to sit around and wait for ME to come home," she laughed.

He grabbed her hands and gave her a serious look, which scared the hell out of her. "Maggie we've gotta go somewhere..and..and talk," he said nervously. She was beginning to get nervous too, at his touch, and at his seriousness. "My plane leaves in a few hours, and I can't leave without talking to you about some stuff," he said, trying to clear up the confusion. "Okay," she replied, still confused, and now more nervous than ever.

"How about the beach?" he asked.

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