Chapter 5

"It's really beautiful out tonight," Maggie observed, looking out into the water. "Yeah, it is," Justin agreed, taking a seat in the sand. "My Dad always used to bring me here when I was little," Maggie said, taking a seat next to Justin. "He doesn't anymore?" Maggie shook her head quickly. "No," she said quietly.

She sat like a scared and hurt little girl, with her shoulders hunched and her head down as she stared at her hands in her lap. Justin could sense her insecurity and self-consciousness. He was wondering what was wrong, but he knew he didn't know her well enough to pry into her life right now.

Justin laid on his back and stared up at the stars. "I love staring at them," he said. "Huh?" Maggie asked turning around and looking at him. "The stars," he whispered. "Me too," she replied quietly, laying down next to him. "They seem so far away, I always wanted to go to them when I was little," Maggie said laughing a little. "I'll take you there someday," Justin replied. "Take me where?" "To the stars," he said looking over at her. "You stole that line from Titanic," she laughed. "Ya got me," he admitted laughing along with her.

Justin noticed whenever she laughed her eyes squinted and her nose krinkled in the cutest way. He kept finding the littlest things he liked about her. Maggie was also noticing things she liked about Justin. He was incredibly sweet, funny, and she had to admit she'd fallen for the curls.

Justin wrapped his arms around Maggie's shoulders and pulled her close to him when he noticed her shiver. It was then that she fell asleep peacefully in his arms.


A couple hours later Maggie's eyes fluttered open as they adjusted to the darkness. She looked up and noticed Justin asleep in the sand next to her. She gently shook him awake. "Morning sunshine," she smiled as he opened his eyes slowly. "Hey there, what time is it?" he asked yawning. "I have no idea. Ten o'clock, maybe?" she replied. Justin looked down at his watch. "No hun, it's 12:30," he said. "12:30?! As in, past midnight?!" she exclaimed jumping up. "Yeah, what's the big deal?" he asked. "I was supposed to be home at 12, and it's a half hour drive home, oh my God, my parents are gonna kill me!" she said grabbing Justin's hand and running across the beach.

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