Chapter 50

Maggie kicked around the sand at her feet as she and Justin walked along the beach slowly. She swung her sandals in her hands at her sides and let the sand squish between her toes. Justin smiled to her, to him that was the cutest thing for her to do. He studied her closely, he couldn't help but notice the looks of loss, sadness, disappointment, and just plain unhappiness that were written across her face. He knew she'd been trying to put on a happy face for him, but he knew her pretty well, so he could tell she was faking.

"Come on, let's sit," he said motioning to a spot in the sand up a little ways from the water. She followed him and sat down next to him, hugging her knees to her chest and staring out into the water. This situation was too familiar to her, she didn't know if she'd be able to take whatever he was going to tell her.


She could hear Justin take a deep breath and she took one herself, preparing herself for what he had to say. "Maggie," he started. Her heart was already breaking by the tone of his voice. "When you told me everything about your past, I'll admit, I was furious. See, in this business, it's so hard to open up to anyone. I never know what their intentions are. But for some reason, I never worried about it with you, you seemed so honest and pure and innocent and real, that it didn't seem like an issue. Then to learn you'd lied to me like so many other people have lied to me before, it really tore my heart apart," he said with tears in his eyes. Maggie could see all the hurt in his eyes and she'd never felt so guilty before. A few tears fell down her cheeks as she thought of that night.

"And I'll also admit that when I left to go home to Orlando, I hated you, I never wanted to see you ever again. We were in rehearsals, and I couldn't keep my mind on the show, it kept wandering to you. And after a day or so, I realized that I still did really love you, but it was different," he explained. "Different?" she asked. "Yeah, like when I loved you before, everything was there, the trust, the honesty, everything, and now that's gone. I'm not sure how I can love a person if I don't truly trust them," he said softly, hoping if he talked softer, he wouldn't really be saying the words, and he wouldn't really be breaking her heart.

"I understand Justin," she whispered with her head down. His head shot up in confusion. "You understand?" he asked. She looked up to him again. "Yeah I do. I've never felt so awful about anything before I lied to you. I knew it was wrong from the start, but I grew so attached to you so quickly that I was so afraid to lose you. After about a week or so I vowed to myself to tell you the night before you left. And we grew so close that I was, in a way, just hoping that it wouldn't be a big issue," she said. "But now I realize what huge things trust and honesty are, and how impossible it can be to repair those. I still haven't even forgiven Ryan for what he did," she said shrugging.

"So you don't hate me for not wanting to get back together?" he asked worried. "Of course I don't hate you, Justin, I still love you with all of my heart, but after you left, even though I prayed you'd come back, I always knew it wouldn't be the same again," she said putting her head back down sadly. "And right now, I don't think I could deal with a guy in my life, not just you, but any guy. I need to focus on me for awhile, and on getting myself better," she explained.

He nodded in reply. "You do that, and I'm going to check in with you all the time to see how you're doing," he said kissing her forehead before checking his watch, with only another hour before his plane left. He took another deep breath and looked deep into her hurt-filled green eyes. He took her hands in his. "Maggie, I'm always gonna love you, you're my first love, and no one can ever take that away. It's not meant to be right now, but I know that it is meant to be for us, someday. Just always remember that, and always believe in true love, okay?" he said, his voice barely above a whisper, as tears trickled down his cheeks.

She nodded. "I think it's meant to be for us someday too. Not right now, but someday. I'll always believe in true love, Justin," she whispered, leaning her forehead against his as more tears spilled out of her eyes. "I hate to do this, but I've gotta go," he said starting to stand up. She looked up at him with pleading eyes, pleading him to stay there with her forever.

He took her hand and kissed the back of it. "Until we meet again, someday," he said before he kissed it. She smiled at that thought. It almost wasn't like a goodbye, just more of a "see you again". She leaned up and kissed his cheek softly. "Until we meet again," she whispered. Then the two parted, each going their separate ways, praying for the time when they would meet again.

*****The End*****

Author's Note
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