Author's Note

Hey all! Well, it's finally over!!! I hope you enjoyed my story! I want to thank everyone who stuck with me and read the whole thing, and especially those who were kind enough to send feedback on it, that means alot to me! :)

Now before you start sending me hate mail about the ending (not that I really think you will, or anything, lol) let me just tell you that I'm already working on a sequel to "Unwanted Memories". I've been working on it for a couple of months now and I have about 20 chapters done so far. Unfortunately, I'm not going to post any until it's all completely finished. (I think it's much less pressure that way) BUT, I will be nice enough to give you a little sneak peak to it, the prologue.

Thanks again for reading, I'll be sure to let you all know when the sequel is finished! Take care!!! :)

"Until We Meet Again" Prologue
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