Chapter 6

Maggie parked her car in the garage and hoped to just sneak in quietly without her parents noticing. But she knew she wouldn't have such good luck. Her parents always waited up for her, and she knew they would tonight since she was going out with some stranger they didn't even know.

"Maggie Leigh Sutton!!!" she heard her father yell as soon as she opened the door. "Yeah Daddy?" she answered quietly. "Do you know what time it is?!" "It's 12, isn't it?" she said hopefully. "No dear, it's 1:07 am, and if I remember correctly, you were told to be home BY 12 o'clock midnight!!!" "Daddy, I can explain-" she started. "I don't want any explanations, Maggie, just go up to your room, you're grounded for a week," her father demanded. "But Daddy, I was just-" "GO!" She ran up to her room in tears.


"So how was the date?" JC asked when Justin got home. The guys had decided to just stay home, order pizza, and watch movies. "It went great, but she was supposed to be home at 12, and we fell asleep on the beach, so she's gonna be really late," Justin said worried. "So what's she like?" JC asked. "She's awesome, she's so cute, but you know that, you saw her, and she's different than any other girl I've liked before," Justin replied. "Different how?" "Well she's like the shy, innocent, girl next door type, I've never had a girlfriend like that before. But it's really sweet," Justin said smiling. "Well sounds like you found yourself quite a girl, Justin. But remember, we're only here for a month," JC warned before getting up and walking upstairs. "Yeah, that's the only problem," Justin said sadly.


"Okay, I want every single, teeny, tiny, miniscule detail you can possibly give me about last night," Nikki urged. Nikki was the only person Maggie was allowed to talk to when she was grounded. Her parents figured it would be pointless to forbid her to talk to her, so they just let her anyway. "Well, I went over to get him, and I met all the guys, and Joey hit one me, it was kinda scary," Maggie said. "Ew, that is scary! Okay, go on," Maggie replied, before Maggie went into an hour explanation of her date with Justin. She talked about what he was wearing, to what he drank at dinner, to what cd's he bought, to how he ate his pizza, to how he sang along with the radio in the car.

"Wow Maggie, you seem to really like him," Nikki observed. "Yeah," she sighed. "Oh hang on, I've got another call," Maggie replied switching over to the other line. "Hey there sweets, how much trouble did you get in last night?" Maggie smiled as she recognized Justin's voice. "Grounded for a week. That's actually a short sentencing," Maggie grumbled. "So I won't be able to see you for a week?" Justin said sadly. "Nope I guess not," she replied. "Hang on, I've got my best friend Nikki on the other line," she said. "Wait, your best friend? I've got an idea. Will your parents let you hang out with her while you're grounded?" Justin asked. "Yeah, of course," she said. "Well how about you tell them you're staying at her house tonight, and instead, we hang out," he said slyly. "I don't know Justin, what if they found out?" she said worried, she hated lying to her parents. "They won't find out, I promise. You're talking to the king of sneaking around," he replied. "Alright, I'll talk to Nikki about it and call you back," she sighed. "Okay, great," he said hanging up.

"So you want me to lie to your parents so you can go hang out with Justin Timberlake tonight?" Nikki asked surprised. "Yeah. You know I wouldn't ask you to do this, but this is Justin, Nikki, please!" Maggie pleaded. "Girl, stop that begging, you know I'm gonna do it!" Nikki laughed. "Oh thank you thank you!" Maggie yelled. "I haven't seen you this excited over a guy since..well..since Ryan," Nikki said getting quieter towards the end of the sentence. "Yeah, I know," Maggie said in almost a whisper. "Well you go call Justin, then call me later with all the details," Nikki said changing the subject. "Okay, will do, bye," Maggie replied.


"So you're just staying at Nikki's tonight?" Maggie's Dad asked. "Yeah, we're just gonna watch some movies, paint our nails, girly stuff like that," she replied. She knew he wouldn't ask anymore questions after that. "Okay, just be back by noon tomorrow," he said going back to reading his paper. "Alright," she said grabbing her bag and heading out the door.

"Mags, you look so adorable!" Nikki exclaimed when she saw Maggie. "You sure this is okay? I didn't want to dress that fancy, we're just going to Navy Pier," she said. "That outfit is so cute," Nikki said nodding. Maggie had picked out her old faded blue flare jeans, a baby pink tank top, and her Doc Marten sandals. She left her curly hair down tonight and the curly tendrils blew framed her face perfectly.

"Well, he's waiting, I guess I should get going," Maggie said going towards the door. "Okay, just call me and let me know what time you'll be over. Take all night if you need to," Nikki replied. "Nik! I know what you're thinking, and that is NOT going to be happening!" "I know, but in case you fall asleep on the beach again," Nikki laughed. Maggie rolled her eyes. "Okay, see ya later," she replied walking out to her car. "Now what am I really getting myself into now?" she asked herself.

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