Chapter 7

"So where are you taking me tonight?" Justin asked as he played with the radio dial. "Navy Pier, does that sound okay?" Maggie replied slapping his hand away from the radio. "Sure, I don't even know what that is," he replied looking through Maggie's cd's.

"So this is Navy Pier, it looks pretty cool," Justin said glancing around the pier. "I have to admit I feel a little better about being out with you tonight, since you have a bodyguard this time. This place can get pretty crowded," Maggie replied. "Yeah, me too I guess. I love the guards and all, but it gets to be a pain having them around all the time," Justin said glancing back at Troy, a bulky bodyguard following about ten feet behind them.

Just then a girl that was about five ran up to Justin with a piece of paper and a pen. "Hi there, cutie," Justin replied bending down to her level and taking the pen and paper from her. "How old are you?" he asked as she held up five little fingers. "Five?! I thought you were at least ten! You look so much older than five!" he said happily as she giggled shyly. "Here you go, sweetie," he said handing back the paper with his autograph and the pen to her and giving her a kiss on the cheek. "Thank you," she whispered before running back to her parents.

Maggie couldn't help but almost fall in love with the boy after seeing that. He was the most caring person she'd ever met. There were millions of people in the world after him, and he knew that, but whenever you were with him, he made you feel like the only person in the world, no matter what. He was the first person that had ever done that for Maggie, and he had no idea how much she needed it.


"So how about the ferris wheel?" Maggie asked leading Justin in the direction of the huge ride. "I don't know, it's pretty big," he replied looking up at it. "Come on, Justy's not scared, is he?" she asked laughing at his scared expression. "I thought you were supposed to be a daredevil," she said raising her eyebrows at him. "Yeah, I guess I just said that to impress all those girls," he laughed. "Well, you're not gonna impress me till you ride this ferris wheel," she said buying two tickets. "Alright, but just because I want to impress you so much," he replied following her to the line.

"See, you can see so much of the city from up here," Maggie replied looking out the glass window of the ride. "Yeah, I guess it is pretty neat," he replied. "Come on Justin, you can't wimp out on me now!" Maggie said grabbing his hand. "Here, if I hold your hand will you be brave?" she asked making a puppy face. "Yeah," he said returning her puppy face.


Maggie and Justin were browsing through some of the shops when Justin noticed she became really quiet all of a sudden. He was happy she was being so open and talkative tonight, but now she hadn't said a word in almost fifteen minutes. "You okay?" Justin asked grabbing her hand. She felt chills whenever he touched her. "Yeah, I'm fine," she said not looking at him. "No you're not, come on, let's go down by the water," he said leading her out of the shop.

"Now what's wrong?" he asked sitting down on the edge of the pier. 'You don't even want to know' she thought to herself. She thought about telling him everything about her past, but she just couldn't. Not yet. She knew he'd think she was some freak and he'd never talk to her again. "I guess I'm just kind of nervous that my parents are gonna find out that I'm out with you tonight," she lied, even though that was partly the truth. "Oh sweets, you'll be fine, I promise, have trust in Nikki," he said. "I trust her, I'm just the worrying type. I'm not a troublemaker, Justin. I never do anything wrong, I don't even want to think about what they'd do if they found out-" she started before Justin silenced her with a finger on her mouth.

"We'll be fine," he whispered. Their faces grew closer together, and Justin's finger still rest on Maggie's lips. They grew closer and closer until Justin could see Troy staring at them. He turned his head quickly. "How about going back to my place? We won't have Troy breathing down our necks," he said nodding towards him. "Yeah, I guess that would be okay," she said, a little disappointed the almost-kiss was stopped. "Alright, let's go," he said grabbing her hand and pulling her towards Troy to tell him about the plans.

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