Chapter 8

"Here, just have a seat on the couch, I'll find a video for us to watch," Justin said motioning towards the couch. "Where are the rest of the guys?" Maggie asked sitting down. "They were gonna find a club to go to tonight," Justin said sifting through a pile of DVD's. Maggie hated to admit it, but being in a huge condo all alone with Justin Timberlake made her a little nervous. And she couldn't get over the fact that he actually wanted her there.

"I don't know what you like, come take a look," Justin replied. "Ahh, Grease?! I LOVE this movie!" Maggie exclaimed picking it up. "Hmm, never seen it before," Justin replied. "What? We have to watch it!" she yelled popping it into the player. "Okay," Justin said shaking his head at her excitement.

Maggie got really nervous when Justin flipped off the lights. She trusted Justin, but she still barely knew him, and she'd be nervous around any guy in this situation. But this was Justin Timberlake. Pop star extraordinaire. He had girls throwing themselves at him constantly, and that fact made her even more nervous.


Maggie was surprised when Justin laid down on the couch behind her. "Come on, get comfortable," he said gently pulling her down to lay down next to him. He noticed she was laying funny and didn't seem comfortable at all. "Just relax, Mags," he whispered into her ear softly. The feeling of Justin's breath on her ear sent shivers up and down her spine. It was the most incredible feeling. "Okay," she managed to whisper, leaning back against Justin and finally getting comfortable. She got so comfortable that within five minutes she was fast asleep. Justin leaned over and looked at her sleeping peacefully. She looked so innocent and angelic, and so vulnerable. She looked so peaceful that Justin didn't have the heart to wake her up. He found Nikki's number that Maggie had given him earlier in case of an emergency, and pulled out his cell phone.

"Hello?" Nikki answered. "Hey, is this Nikki?" Justin asked. "Yeah, who's this?" "This is Justin Timberlake, I was just calling to-" "Justin Timberlake? THE Justin Timberlake? Oh my gosh oh my gosh. Okay, sorry, go on," she said feeling incredibly stupid at her outburst. "Alright, well me and Maggie came back here to watch a movie and she fell asleep, and I don't want to wake her up. Is it okay if she stays here, and she can come back to your place in the morning?" Justin asked. He figured Nikki was probably protective of Maggie and wouldn't buy the sleeping story at all. "She's really asleep?" Nikki asked. "Yes she's really asleep, I swear," Justin answered. "Well then I guess it's okay. Just have her back here by ten tomorrow morning," Nikki replied. "Will do, thanks, I guess I'll talk to ya later," Justin said. "Yeah, okay, bye," Nikki replied quietly. Nikki tried her best to contain herself, Justin Timberlake had just called her. Then she hit herself because she forgot to ask about Lance. That was just like Nikki.


Justin leaned over and watched Maggie sleep for a few minutes. She looked so peaceful, but through that, he could see a vulnerable girl that had been hurt before. He didn't know exactly what happened, but he was going to do all he could to make sure it would never happen again. "You're my angel now, and I won't let anything bad happen to you ever again," he whispered, leaning down and gently kissing her forehead. He smiled to her and fell asleep at her side.

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