Chapter 9

"Where am I?" Maggie asked rubbing her eyes the next morning. "You're in our condo. I have no idea why, so don't ask me. But that's where you are," Chris replied, sitting in front of the tv happily watching cartoons. "Okay, thanks, I guess," she replied shaking her head. She turned around and saw Justin sleeping peacefully at her side. She smiled at the adorable site. If only all the screaming fans could see him at this vulnerable stage. She shook his shoulder gently. "Justy, Justy, wake up," she said softly. "Huh?" he mumbled shifting and rubbing his eyes. She laughed at him.

"Oh no, she's done the unthinkable," Chris said worried. "What's that?" Lance asked walking in. "She woke up Justy poo," Chris replied. "Uh oh," Lance said. "What's wrong with that?" Maggie asked worried turning around and looking at them. "Our little prince here, Justin, is not the best person to be around when he wakes up," Lance replied. "Uh oh," Maggie said eyeing Justin behind her. "Just go get him some cereal, and he'll be okay," Chris instructed. "It's okay, I'm like that too when I wake up," she replied getting up and walking to the kitchen.

JC helped her get Justin some cereal and she took it back to him. "Justy I've got some Oreo O's for you," she said setting him on the couch in front of him. "Huh?" he mumbled again, opening one eye and squinting as it adjusted to the light. "Here, breakfst in bed," she replied happily. "You brought me cereal?" he said with his eyes still half closed. "You are the girl of my dreams," he said sitting up and eating the cereal. She giggled at him and sat next to him.


"Now who would've expected Justin to be the first one to bring a girl home?" Joey asked disappointed walking in. "Certainly not me," he answered himself. "Joey it's not like that. It's different when I bring a girl home from when you bring a girl home," Justin replied finishing off his cereal. "What's that supposed to mean?" Joey asked offended. "What it means is," JC started, joining the group, "Is that when Justin brings a girl home, they watch a movie on the couch, he sings to her, they end up falling asleep, and that's all they do, sleep," JC replied. "Whereas, when you bring a girl home, well, none of us even want to think about what you do," JC said. All the guys laughed at him. "Hey!" Joey yelled.


"Oh yeah, Nikki wanted you back to her place by 10," Justin said turning to Maggie. "Well it's 9:30, I should get going then," she said looking at her watch. "Okay, I'll walk you to your car," Justin said quietly so the guys wouldn't hear him. While they walked outside they could hear the guys saying "Awwwww" and making kissy noises.

"Sorry about them, sometimes they act like they're ten," Justin said embarassed. "It's okay, I know how that is," she said smiling to him. "I had a great time last night, thanks for everything," Maggie said. "Me too, can I call you later?" Justin asked. "Of course, I'm gonna talk my parents out of the grounding," she replied. "When do I get to meet your parents?" Justin asked. Panic rushed over Maggie. "Oh no, what if they tell him about my past? I can't let them ruin this," she worried to herself. "Maybe tomorrow night, we can have you over for dinner," she smiled, hiding her worry. "Okay, I'll talk to you later then," Justin replied smiling back. "Okay, thanks again," Maggie said, standing on her tiptoes and giving Justin a kiss on the cheek.

Justin smiled as he watched her walk away and his hand brushed his cheek where her lips had just touched. He didn't know where this was going, but he already liked what it had started.

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