*Chapter 1*Starting Out*

"I've never been so scared in my whole life," Ali thought to herself while looking out the window of her parent's mini van.  She was on her way to college for the first time.  She'd be attending the University of Illinois.  She'd dreamed of going to this school since her dad took her there for the first time when she was about six or seven years old.  It was her father's alma mater, and he'd always secretly hoped she would go there.  When she applied last year, she really didn't think she'd get in.  She'd always been an average student, but she'd never applied herself much, as parents and teachers would say.


She was a pretty girl, though she'd never thought so herself.  She had pretty average looks.  Her dark blonde hair fell to just above her shoulders and layers framed her face.  She wore some makeup, but went for a more natural look sometimes, trying not to wear much makeup.   She had a very casual style, usually wearing whatever she felt comfortable in, jeans and a sweatshirt or t-shirt, and wearing a sweater and khakis had always been dressing up to her. Her face was round, and defined by her cute dimples which appeared whenever something made her laugh or she smiled.   When she finally arrived at the school, she was very anxious to meet her roommate.


"Hi, I'm Ali," Ali said to the girl standing in her dorm room arranging furniture.  "Hi, I'm Caitlin," the girl said extending her hand and shaking Ali's.  "Nice to meet you." "Yeah, you too," Ali said with a smile.  It appeared that the two had a similar style and would hopefully get along very well.

Later while the two were busy hanging up pictures of friends and family on the walls, Ali couldn't help but bring out her *NSYNC pictures.  Sometimes she felt ridiculous for being 18 and still liking the group, but she couldn't help herself.  She'd been a fan for a long time, and she was hooked.

She was hanging up a picture of her favorite of the group, Justin Timberlake, when Caitlin recognized him.  "Hey, I know him!" Caitlin exclaimed.  "Yeah, it's Justin from *NSYNC, do you like them?" Ali asked.  "No, I really know him!  I met him last night, I think it was.  Yeah, last night I met him," Caitlin replied.  "What?  You met him?  Did you go to a concert, or something?" Ali inquired.  "No, I met him here.  He's going to school here.  He's my boyfriend, Aaron's roommate," Caitlin said calmly.  "What?  He's not going here, he's going to a private university in Florida," Ali answered.

She had been devastated to hear the group would be taking a break to attend college and to "explore other career opportunities" as they had put it.  They weren't breaking up, just more of taking a break from the group for a little while.  She heard they planned on touring again this summer.

"That's just what he told the fans to throw them off.  See, he wanted to go somewhere that he wouldn't be expected, and who would expect him to come to Illinois?  So that's why he came here, he really is here," Caitlin explained. "So he's really here?" Ali repeated her, becoming a little short of breath. "Yes, he's really here," Caitlin answered, laughing a little.  "Oh my gosh, what am I gonna do?  He has been like my forever crush!" Ali said pacing around the room, trying to let the information sink in.  "Well, maybe you should start by taking some of the pictures of him down.  What if he ever comes over here?  It might scare him a little bit!" Caitlin said with a laugh.  "Yeah, you're right, I'll take some of these down," Ali said still in a daze.  "Wouldn't want him to think I'm obsessed or anything." "Oh no girl, I think you're way beyond that!"


A few days later Ali sat in her first college class, Psychology 101, still scared.  She'd always been kind of shy, and this school was huge.  She felt so small and insignificant.  She sat in the huge lecture hall, kind of in a daze. She had chosen a seat about in the middle, and for some reason she didn't sit in the aisle seat at the end of the row.  She didn't know it then, but that one seat would change her life forever.

*Chapter 2*
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Email: justinsangel81@hotmail.com