*Chapter 10*The Discovery*

       The next few months Ali and Justin led their normal college lives.  They went to classes, basketball games, parties, and studied for exams.  They were still best friends.  Brian was never brought up in conversation, he was like a bad memory that no one wanted to remember.  Ali had trouble getting over him, and it took her awhile, but she could finally say that she was completely over him.

     While Ali was trying to get over Brian she pushed her feelings for Justin aside to focus on herself.  She was alone now for the first time in a year, and she needed to adjust.  The feelings for Justin were still there, she just tried not to think about them, even though she knew it was impossible.  Every time she was with him her heart fluttered the way it did the first time she saw him.  But she still had it in her head that he only saw her as a best friend, so she didn't do anything about it.


        Of course Justin still had his feelings for Ali.  He had been there for her when Brian broke up with her and he supported her while she tried to get over it.  He lost count of how many times she thanked him for being such a great friend or for always being there for her.  His feelings for her were now stronger than ever.  He didn't know a whole lot about love, but he knew that it would take her alot of time to be ready for another relationship.  He vowed to himself that he'd give her all the time she needed and wait until she was really ready.  He wanted to tell her how much he loved her every time he saw her, but forced himself not to.  He didn't even care anymore if she felt the same way, he just wanted to tell her.


      "So you still haven't told her?" JC asked.  "No, I know I should, but the timing's never right," Justin said making up an excuse.  "Would you stop making excuses?  Before you wouldn't tell her because of Brian, but now he's completely out of the picture.  So now you need to do it.  I think you're scared," JC concluded.  "I know, I'm so scared," Justin admitted.  "I've never felt this way about anyone before.  She's so amazing, JC.  She's beautiful, smart, funny, sweet.  Everything I've ever wanted in a girl," Justin confessed.  "Oh, this is so sweet!" JC said laughing.  "Yeah, laugh it up.  I'm pouring my heart out to you and you laugh about it.  Thanks for the support," Justin said bitterly. "Oh, come on, you know I'm just messing around!" JC said.  "You need to tell her."  "I know, I will.  Eventually," Justin said.  JC just sighed.  "I'll never get through to him," he thought to himself.


       A couple weeks later Ali logged onto AOL to check her e-mail.  She noticed JC Chasez was on her buddy list.  "Justin must've put him on there one night when he was over," she thought to herself.  Trying to be friendly, she decided to say hi.

ANGELEYES81: Hi, I'm Ali, Justin's friend.
BIGDADDY76: Oh yeah, the famous Ali I've heard so much about.  Hi, I'm JC.
ANGELEYES81: Huh? Famous Ali?
BIGDADDY76: Yeah, Justin talks about you all the time.  I feel like I know you as well as him!
ANGELEYES81: Really?  He talks about me all the time?
BIGDADDY76: Of course he does.  He's crazy about you, you know.
ANGELEYES81: Crazy about me?  No, I didn't know.
BIGDADDY76: Oops, I probably shouldn't have said that, huh?
ANGELEYES81: Wow, he's crazy about me?
BIGDADDY76: Yeah he is.  He tells me all about you.
ANGELEYES81: So he's really crazy about me?
BIGDADDY76: Yeah he is.  So is the feeling mutual?
ANGELEYES81: Actually, yeah, it is.  I'm crazy about him too.  I have been since the second I saw him.
BIGDADDY76: Oh, this is so perfect.  You have to tell him.
ANGELEYES81: But wait, why hasn't he told me?
BIGDADDY76: He's scared.  He's never felt this way about a girl before, and I think it kind of scares him.  He doesn't really know what to do.  You should make the first move.
ANGELEYES81: What?!  Make the first move?  Justin obviously hasn't told you how incredibly shy I am about that kind of stuff.
BIGDADDY76: Well, if you don't do it, you might be waiting awhile for him to do it.
ANGELEYES81: Maybe I'll just wait then.  I don't want to scare him if he's not really ready for it.
BIGDADDY76: Well, I guess that's true.  He'll do it when he's really ready, I'll make him!
ANGELEYES81: Okay, don't you forget to!
BIGDADDY76: Don't worry, I won't.  You're all he's talked about since August. I'm sure you'll come up in conversation!
ANGELEYES81: Wow, all this time?!  I had no idea!
BIGDADDY76: Yeah, he tried to hide his feelings because of Brian, but now Brian's gone, so he knows he wants to tell you, just who knows when!
ANGELEYES81: Don't worry, I'll wait forever for him.
BIGDADDY76: Aw, how cute!  Well, I gotta be going, I've got a meeting with Johnny.  I'll talk to you later, it was nice meeting you!
ANGELEYES81: Yeah, you too.  Thanks for all your help!


A million thoughts ran through Ali's mind.  "He's really liked me all this time?  He's all I talk about?  He feels the same about me?"  So many emotions ran through her.  She wanted to laugh, cry, scream.  She couldn't believe Justin hadn't told her his feelings after all this time, but then she thought it was sweet how he was so shy about it.  One thought wouldn't stay out of her mind: "How am I gonna act around him now?"

*Chapter 11*
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Email: justinsangel81@hotmail.com