*Chapter 11*Nervous Feelings*

Ali found out that she didn't need to worry about acting different around Justin once she found out he had feelings for her.  Justin treated her the same, so she treated him the same.  Justin didn't know that JC had talked to Ali and told her about his feelings for her.  Ali didn't tell Justin she knew either, she decided to just wait and let him tell her when he was ready.  "I just hope it's soon," she thought to herself.


Before they knew it Valentine's Day was coming up soon.  "So who's your Valentine?" Justin asked Ali one night.  "Huh?" Ali asked not even looking up from her French book.  "I said, who's your Valentine?  You know Valentine's Day is next week," Justin said again.  "Oh, I guess I don't have one," she replied, still not looking up.  "Well how about we be each other's.  You can be my Valentine, and I'll be yours," Justin said.  Ali's head shot up.  "What?" she asked in surprise.  "Well, just so we don't have to be alone on Valentine's Day, because that really sucks.  We could just have a movie night or something," Justin said. "Oh, that sounds good," Ali replied with a smile.  "Okay, well I'll come over around 8," Justin said.  "Okay," Ali replied looking back down at her book.


"So you're gonna tell her tonight, aren't you?" JC asked Justin, "It's Valentine's Day, the timing can't be more perfect than this," he finished.  "I want to.  I will.  I'll tell her tonight," Justin said nervously.  He had to be at Ali's in an hour and had to call JC for a last minute pep talk.  "You don't sound so sure about that," JC said.  "I have to tell her tonight.  I've wanted to tell her since the second I saw her, I can't let my chance go tonight.  Ah, which shirt, the blue plaid or the gray sweater?!" Justin asked frantically. "Justin, calm down.  You've never gotten so worked up over clothes before," JC observed.  "I know, I know.  But tonight has to be perfect.  Okay, blue plaid it is,"  Justin said.  "I bet Ali's not as worked up as you are," JC said.  "I know, because she just thinks we're watching movies, she has no idea I'm gonna tell her I love her tonight.  JC, what if she doesn't love me?  What if she doesn't say anything back?  Then what do I do?" Justin asked nervously.  "Don't worry, she'll say something.  I don't know if it will be I love you, but she'll say something," JC said.  "Thanks for the reassurance," Justin said sarcastically.  "Everything will work out perfectly tonight Justin, I promise," JC said.  "I hope so," Justin replied.  He had no idea how nervous Ali was while waiting for him.


"What am I gonna wear?!" Ali asked frantically, throwing clothes out of the closet and drawers.  "Ali, calm down.  You've never cared what you wore for Justin before," Caitlin said laughing a little while shielding herself from flying clothes.  "I know, but tonight's different.  I want to tell him tonight. But I don't know if I can," Ali said unsurely.  "Sure you can," Caitlin said reassuringly.  "It's not that easy, you know," Ali said frustrated.  "I know it's not, but I think you can do it.  One look into those baby blues, and you're a gonner!" Caitlin said laughing.  "I know, those eyes.  Ah, Caitlin, I can't do it!" Ali said.  "Yes you can.  If you don't tell him tonight, I call him first thing in the morning and tell him for you," Caitlin threatened.  The scary thing was Ali knew she would really do it.  "Cait, why'd you say that?  Now I have to or else you will," Ali said angrily.  "I know.  It's perfect!" Caitlin said with a smile.  "You are so mean to me.  At least help me find something to wear," Ali said.  "Sure," Caitlin said stepping through the clothes making her way to the closet.

*Chapter 12*
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Email: justinsangel81@hotmail.com