*Chapter 12*Getting Close*

Ali heard a knock on the door at 8:05.  She opened the door to see Justin holding a white teddy bear and a red rose.  "You're late," she said seriously. "I know, I'm sorry, the traffic was crazy," Justin said making up an excuse. "I'm just kidding!  Happy Valentine's Day!" Ali exclaimed.  "Oh, okay.  You scared me.  Here, these are for you, Happy Valentine's Day to you too," Justin said handing Ali the bear and rose.  "Oh, that's so sweet.  Here, this is for you," she said handing him a huge box of candy.  "So, what should we do?" Justin asked nervously.  He'd never been this nervous around Ali before, he hoped she didn't notice.  "Let's just watch tv for awhile," Ali suggested.  "All right," Justin agreed sitting on the futon.  He slipped his arm around Ali's waist when she sat down.  He didn't know what came over him to make him do it.  "Oh my gosh," was all Ali could think when she felt his arm around her small waist.  She certainly couldn't complain though.  She gave Justin a smile to let him know it was okay, and all he could do was smile back.

"Hey, let's go for a walk, it's such a beautiful night out!" Justin said after they'd been watching tv for awhile.  "all right," Ali said with a smile.  They walked to a nearby park and walked around the small lake under the moonlight. "It's so beautiful out tonight," Ali said looking up at the stars.  "Yeah it is," Justin said looking at Ali, right before he slipped his hand into hers. She looked down, then looked up and gave him a shy smile.  "Hey, let's sit and rest for awhile," Justin said.  "Okay," Ali replied sitting on the cold ground.


"It's so pretty how the moonlight reflects off the water," Ali said looking out at the lake.  "Yeah, it is pretty," Justin said looking at Ali.  She never ceased to amaze him, he loved the way she looked at life.  Everything was beautiful and perfect in her eyes.  Just the way she was in Justin's eyes.  "Do it now," he told himself.  He took a deep breath, but something stopped him. Something told him not to do it yet, to wait.  He took Ali's hand in his again and played with the rings on her fingers.

Ali's heart fluttered every time he grabbed her hand.  "You should tell him now," she thought, but decided not to.  "He is so amazing," she thought to herself.  "You can't even tell he's famous, he's the most humble, down to earth person ever.  And I'm so crazy in love with him," she thought.  "Justin?" she said quietly.  "Yeah?" Justin answered looking up at her.  "Can I ask you to do something that I've never asked you to do before, but I've always wanted you to do?" she asked slowly.  "Sure, anything for you.  What is it?" he asked.

*Chapter 13*
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Email: justinsangel81@hotmail.com