*Chapter 3*Growing Closer*

A few weeks later Justin was over at Ali's dorm studying.  "So you're trying to tell me that Apple Jacks are better than Froot Loops?" Ali asked Justin in disbelief.  "Of course I am!  Apple Jacks are SO much better than Froot Loops, it's no contest!" Justin exclaimed.  The two were arguing over which cereals were better.  It was extremely pathetic.  "Okay, whatever you say, but Oreo O's are still the best of them all," Ali said.  "Well, I will have to agree with you on that one, that is the king of cereals," Justin agreed.

"But Froot Loops are still better than Apple Jacks!" Ali yelled while jumping on Justin and tackling him.  "Whatever!" Justin said before pinning Ali.  "You always beat me!" Ali said trying to catch her breath.  "Of course I do, I am the bed wrestling champ!" Justin exclaimed proudly.  "Bed wrestling, huh?" Ali asked raising and eyebrow at him.  "Not that kind of bed wrestling, you pervert!" Justin said.  "I'm just joking!" Ali said laughing.  "Yeah, whatever," Justin said pouting.  "Oh, poor baby.  Did I make Justy sad?" Ali said giving him a puppy dog face.  Justin nodded giving her the lip.  "Aww, poor thing!" Ali said kissing his nose.  "All better now?" she asked.  Justin smiled and nodded.


The two of them messed around like this all the time.  They were becoming the best of friends.  Both were trying to fight back feelings for the other.  Brian knew about Justin, but obviously didn't like him much.

"Brian, I told you there's nothing to worry about, me and Justin are just friends.  Why can't you understand that?" Ali said getting frustrated.  "Because I can't, Ali.  I'm sorry.  He's over at your dorm all the time, whenever I call, you're out with him, or else he's over there," Brian said.

Ali and Brian had never fought until she came to school and Justin came into her life.  She figured he was just jealous because he was getting alot of her time.  But now he was implying that stuff was going on between her and Justin.

"Don't you trust me, Brian?  We've been together a year and a half now, I'd think that you'd trust me to be friends with another guy by now,” Ali said. "Yeah, I trust you.  It's him I don't trust," Brian replied.  "You don't even know him, don't judge him," Ali said getting defensive.  "What?  Now you're defending him?  What is this?  That's it, I'm coming down there this weekend to check out this Justin character," Brian said.  "What?  You're coming to check up on me to make sure I'm not cheating on you?  That's crazy,” Ali said.  "I told you, I'm not checking on you, I'm checking on him.  I'll be there Friday afternoon," Brian insisted.  "Okay,” Ali said quietly, she just couldn't say no to him.  "Okay, I'll see you Friday."  "Okay, bye," Ali said hanging up the phone.


As soon as she hung up the phone, Ali burst into tears; she didn't know what to do.  She couldn't just dump Justin, she'd grown too close to him over the past few weeks.  But she couldn't just dump Brian, either.  She'd been with him a long time, she loved him, he just had his moments.  He'd come down this weekend, see nothing was going on between her and Justin, and everything will be all better.  "At least I hope so," Ali thought to herself.

*Chapter 4*
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Email: justinsangel81@hotmail.com