*Chapter 4*Jealousy*

Ali sat in her dorm room waiting for Brian to arrive.  She was really nervous about him coming.  She didn't tell Justin the real reason he was coming, she told him he was just coming for a visit.  "What if he says something to Justin? What if he threatens him?" Ali asked herself.  A million "what if's" were running through her head.

The thing that bothered her the most was that Brian might be right.  What if her and Justin were falling for each other?  Sure, she had been having feelings for him, but she thought they were just friendship.  But she didn't know what to think of it; she was just confused.  She hoped seeing Brian would make her realize how much she loved him, and make everything all better.  If only it could be that simple.


A knock on the door caused Ali to jump a little.  She got up to answer it. "Hey, what's up?" Justin asked walking in and making himself at home.  "Uh, Justin what are you doing here?  Sorry, I don't mean to be rude, but Brian's gonna be here any minute," Ali said nervously.  "I know, I'm gonna leave you two alone.  I was just wondering if you guys wanted to come out with me and Aaron and Caitlin tonight.  Hmm, I'll be the odd one out without the date.  But oh well, I'll find someone at the club," Justin thought out loud to himself. "Well, I don't know what our plans are yet, but I'll let you know, okay?" Ali said, checking the door frequently to make sure Brian wasn't going to barge in.

"I don't think going out with Justin would be the best way to start off things," Ali thought to herself.  "Well, you seem anxious for Brian to get here, so I'll go now.  I can't wait to meet the amazing Brian, the love of your life!" Justin said happily, even though he was crying inside.  Ali let out a small smile.  "Yeah," she said quietly as Justin walked out.


A few minutes later Ali heard another knock on her door.  She opened it to see Brian standing there with red roses, her favorite.  "Ali!" he exclaimed dropping his bag and taking Ali in his arms.  "Nice to see you too!" Ali said laughing at him.  "I missed you alot, I really did," Brian said, kissing her.  "I missed you too, hun," Ali replied.  "So what are we going to do tonight, I want to spend every possible second with you," Brian said.  "Well, actually, Justin wanted to know if we wanted to go to a club with him and Caitlin and Aaron,” Ali said quietly, afraid of Brian's reaction.

"Justin?  Was that little punk just here?" Brian asked, getting upset.  "Yeah he was.  Brian, how many times do I have to tell you, we're just friends!  I don't see why you can't get it, I mean I've had other guy friends before, Justin's not any different than him,” Ali said defending Justin.  "Actually Ali, he is a little different than the rest of the guys.  He's Justin Timberlake, the love of your life besides me.  It's not like I don't know what a huge crush you had on him before you came here.  How do I know you still don't think that way about him?" Brian asked.  "Brian, don't be ridiculous.  That was just a teenybopper crush.  Now I know the real Justin, and he is a great guy and all, but you're my boyfriend, not Justin.  I love you, not Justin.  Why can't you just realize that?" Ali asked.  "I don't know, it's just hard for me, that's all."

"That's the problem, isn't it?"  Ali asked, realizing what Brian was so upset about.  "What's the problem?" Brian asked confused.  "You're afraid of Justin. You think my teenybopper crush is going to take over and I'm going to leave Justin for you because he's a big star.  I don't even see him as Justin from *NSYNC anymore, I see him as Justin, regular college guy.  So you really have nothing to worry about, I promise.  I love you and only you," Ali reassured him. "Okay, I love you too.  So I guess we'll go out with Justin tonight.  Any friend of yours is a friend of mine, right?" Brian said still unsure of the whole situation.  Ali smiled that everything was coming together right, even if she was lying a little bit to Brian.  She had to admit part of her crush on Justin was still there, but she couldn't help it, and it wasn't like she was going to do anything about it.

*Chapter 5*
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Email: justinsangel81@hotmail.com