*Chapter 5*The Dance*

"Brian, this is my roommate Caitlin, and her boyfriend Aaron.  And this is Justin," Ali said introducing Brian to everyone outside the student union, where they all met up.  Brian walked up to Justin and just stood in front of him and looked at him.  "Nice to meet you, Justin.  I've heard alot of good things about you.  It seems you're pretty good friends with Ali," he said very politely. "Huh?" Ali said out loud.  "What did you say?" Justin asked Ali.  "Oh, nothing," Ali replied, just staring at Justin and Brian with wide eyes.  "I've heard alot of good things about you too.  It's nice to meet you," Justin said, not suspecting a thing.  "Well, what are we waiting for?  Let's go party!" Brian said.  "Okay," a bewildered Ali agreed.


"Thanks for the dance," Justin said politely to a skinny blonde he'd just danced with.  "Wow Justin, you get all the chicks!" Aaron said, amazed.  "And why would you be jealous of that?  Hello, you have a chick right here!" Caitlin said hitting him in the arm.  "Oh yeah, I know, I love ya, Cait!" Aaron said trying to cover up his mistake.  "Yeah, I know ya do," Caitlin said rolling her eyes.

Just then "Did You Ever Love Somebody" by Jessica Simpson came on.  "Hey, ya wanna dance with me, Ali?" Justin asked.  "Uh, sure," Ali replied looking at Brian, even though she didn't care what he thought.  Justin took her hand and led her onto the dance floor.  Justin took Ali in his arms and held her tightly. "This is such a pretty song," Ali said, not knowing what else to say.  "Yeah, it is," Justin agreed.  They both knew it described their feelings toward the other, but of course didn't say anything about it.

"Brian's a really great guy," Justin whispered into Ali's ear.  The feeling sent shivers up Ali's spine.  "Yeah he is," she said with tears in her eyes. "I'm glad you found someone you could be so happy with," he said sincerely. "Me too," she replied quietly.  She felt so safe in his arms, like nothing could ever hurt her, not even Brian.  She never wanted the song to end.  She breathed in the scent of the cologne on his shirt as it intoxicated her.

Justin felt Ali snuggle closer to him.  The feeling made him feel dizzy and light headed.  "What's wrong with me?  She's your best friend.  Her boyfriend is probably watching us like a hawk right now.  Don't fall Justin, don't fall," he told  himself.  But it was too late.  He put his head down on her shoulder and breathed in the scent of her shampoo.  He never wanted the song to end.

It finally did end, and the two separated quickly as the next fast song came on.  "Thanks for the dance," Ali said to Justin.  "Yep, anytime," Justin replied.  "Ali, can we talk?" Brian asked when she got back to the table.  "Um, okay,” she mumbled.  "Let's go outside," he said pulling her behind him as Ali turned around and looked at Justin as Brian dragged her out.


"Ow, that hurt, Brian!" Ali said rubbing her arm once they got outside.  "What was that?" he asked angrily.  "What was what?" Ali said still rubbing her arm. "Don't play stupid, Ali.  You know damn well what I'm talking about!" he yelled. "Brian, please!  Why can't you accept the fact that me and Justin are good friends and that we're close?!" Ali yelled back.  "I don't want him trying things on you."  "He didn't try anything!  We danced, big deal.  Why are you so hung up on this?" Ali yelled back.

People outside the club were starting to stare now, but neither of them noticed.  "I'm not hung up on it, I'm sorry I don't want my girlfriend all over other guys!" "I was not all over him!  I don't know why I even bother with you," Ali yelled with anger.  "Why do you bother with me?" Brian asked quietly. "What?" Ali asked, confused.  "I love you, Ali," he said looking her right in the eye.  Ali just stared at him, confused out of her mind.  "Do you think you can just say you love me and everything will be all better?" Ali asked, "Because you can't, and it won't automatically make everything happy again. This is a real problem about you not trusting me, Brian.  It's more your problem.  I'm not going to dump Justin just because you don't like him.  You'll just have to trust me.  That's all I can say about it," Ali said.

"Yeah, you're right.  It's my problem, and I know that.  I need to realize you and Justin are only friends, and I need to trust you more.  I will get over it Ali, I promise.  I can't lose you," Brian said sincerely.  "I don't want to lose you either.  That's why we need to work this out," Ali replied.  "I know, we will work it out, I promise you Ali.  I will trust you with Justin from now on," Brian said looking Ali right in the eye.  "Okay, thank you," Ali said.  "Now let's go back in, they're probably wondering where we are," Brian said.  "Okay," Ali replied as they walked back in.

*Chapter 6*
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Email: justinsangel81@hotmail.com