*Chapter 6*The Invitation*

"What was up with you and Justin tonight at the club?" Caitlin asked back at the dorm room later that night.  Brian was staying at a hotel, since he wasn't allowed to stay at the dorm.  "What?  Nothing was up with me and Justin," Ali answered quietly.  "Please don't lie to me, Ali.  Don't worry, I won't tell Justin or Aaron or Brian.  Just tell me," she urged.  "Well...I don't know," Ali said slowly as she climbed up onto her loft bed.   "You have feelings for him that are more than friendship, don't you?" "I don't know...no...maybe," Ali said, trying not to reveal the truth, but she couldn't help it.

"Oh, that's so sweet.  Why don't you tell him how you feel?" Caitlin asked. "What?  Are you kidding?  Hello, I have Brian!  And Justin doesn't feel the same, so why risk the whole friendship and lose Brian?  It's too risky," Ali said hesitantly.  "But you're not being fair to Brian.  Are you worried about how he feels here?" Caitlin asked.  "I guess not.  But I still love Brian and all, I just have a little crush on Justin I guess.  I've had crushes on other guys while I've been with Brian, and I always get over it," Ali said.  "Are you sure this isn't more than a crush?"  "What?  What else would it be?" Ali asked confused.

"Are you sure you're not in love with Justin?" Caitlin asked quietly.  The question took Ali by surprise.  "In love?" Ali asked quietly.  "Well I don't know.  It's just the way you guys act towards each other.  But maybe you just love him as a friend, you know, like a brother," Caitlin said trying to reassure Ali a little bit.  "Yeah, that's it.  He's just like a brother to me.  That's all it is," Ali said taking a deep breath and feeling a little better.


"So then Brian pulled Ali outside all mad, then they came back in all happy again, so I guess they made up," Justin finished the story he was telling to JC. He'd told him about meeting Brian, the dance with Ali, and how Brian dragged Ali out angrily after they danced.  "Well then every thing's all right then?  Brian's not gonna beat you up now or anything, is he?" JC joked.  "No Brian's not gonna beat me up.  He has no reason to, I didn't do anything," Justin defended himself.  "Yeah, except for the fact that you're in love with his girlfriend," JC replied.  "In love with Ali?  I highly doubt that.  She's my best friend, I don't love her.  Maybe I had a little crush on her at first, but then I got over it when I heard she had a boyfriend.  That's all it was.  A crush," Justin said reassuring himself. "It's just a little crush," JC started singing.

"Ugh, and you're supposed to be the serious one!" Justin said frustrated.  "I'm sorry, I am, I couldn't help it.  But it's just the way you said you danced with her.  It sounded like there was a little more than friendship there," "We're best friends, I love her like a best friend or a sister.  Can't we leave it at that?" Justin asked.  "Sure, I guess so," JC answered.


"So you and Brian had fun during his visit?" Justin asked a few days later. "Yeah, it was nice seeing him," Ali said quietly.  Justin didn't know how much Brian detested him or that they were always fighting because of him.  She didn't want him to feel guilty for her and Brian fighting.  "Well that's good, he's a real nice guy, I'm glad you had a good time together," Justin said.

"Hey, I forgot to ask you!" Justin exclaimed like he'd just come to a huge discovery, "My fraternity is having a ball in a couple weeks.  I don't have anyone to take, but I have to go.  So please please please go with me!" Justin pleaded.  "Um, I don't know, I might be busy then.  You know you should've asked a couple months ago, I just have too many dates lined up for the next few months.  It might be impossible,"  Ali said jokingly.

"No!  You have to go with me.  That girl from my calculus class keeps asking me out and I can't think of anymore excuses, and she's gonna want me to take her.  Please save me!" Justin asked again.  "Hmm, maybe if you beg just a little more.  Like on your knees," Ali said, she was enjoying this.  "Look, I'm not gonna fulfill your sexual fantasies about me just so I can get a date," Justin said with a serious look on his face.  This was too much for Ali, and she burst out laughing.  "So is that a yes?" Justin asked.  "Yes, I will go with you, you geek," Ali replied.  "Okay dorkuss, I'll pick you up at 7!" Justin said kissing her hand.

*Chapter 7*
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Email: justinsangel81@hotmail.com