*Chapter 8*The Heartbreak*

"Ali, I..." Justin said again, taking a deep breath.  Telling her this was harder than he thought.  "Come on Ali, let's go!" Brian interrupted the magical moment between Ali and Justin.  "Brian, what are you doing here?!" Ali asked in shock. "I came to see you, now let's go!" he yelled angrily at her, causing some people to stare.  He grabbed her arm pulling her out of Justin's embrace.  "I said, let's go!" he yelled again pulling her away from Justin and starting to walk towards the door.  "I love you, Ali," Justin said softly to himself once Ali was gone.


"Have you seen Ali?" Justin asked frantically as he burst into his dorm room later that night. "No, I haven't seen her anywhere, why?" Aaron asked.  "I just have to find her. Do you know where Brian took her?" he asked again.  "No, I have no idea where she is."  "Okay, well thanks anyway.  I'm gonna go try her dorm again," Justin said discouraged.  "Okay, good luck," Aaron said as Justin left.


"Ali?  Ali?" Justin pleaded as he knocked on her door.  "Please be here," he whispered.  He tried the doorknob, figuring it would be locked, but to his surprise it was open.  He turned it and opened the door slowly.  "Ali, are you here?" he asked quietly peeking in.  "Yeah..I..I'm here," he heard in-between sniffles.  The room was dark and he couldn't see her.  He turned on the light and saw Ali hunched up on her bed, still in her dress, which was now very wrinkled.  Her eyes were red, and there were streaks of mascara down her face.

"Ali, are you okay?" he asked.  "Yeah..I'm fine," she said looking down.  "No you're not, what's wrong?" he asked concerned, "Where's Brian?" he asked.  "He left.  He broke up with me then he left," she answered slowly.  A million thoughts ran through Justin's head.  "Was it because of me?  Will she hate me now?  Should I still tell her I love her?"


"Why'd he break up with you?" Justin asked climbing onto the bed with Ali and taking her hand.  She took a deep breath, “He said he can't trust me.  He said he's had enough of me being with you and sneaking around with you," she answered as she began crying again. "What?  He thinks we're sneaking around?" he asked in disbelief.  "Yeah, I tried to explain it to him, but he said he's had enough of my lies, and he doesn't want to be with me," she answered in-between sobs.  "I can talk to him, I can explain it, Ali.  I can get him back for you," Justin said.  Even though it would mean he couldn't have Ali, but he hated seeing her like this.  "No, it won't work.  I tried.  It's over," she said.  "I'm so sorry, Ali.  I feel completely responsible for this," Justin said sadly. 

"No, it's not your fault at all.  We've been drifting apart for awhile, I'm not really surprised by this," Ali said looking into his beautiful blue eyes.  "Well, I'm here for you Ali.  I'm sorry about Brian.  But you'll meet someone better and forget all about him, I promise," Justin said sincerely.  "Thanks, Justin. Thanks for being here for me and dealing with me all the time.  Thanks for being such a great best friend," she said putting her head on his shoulder.  "No problem.  That's what a best friend's for," he replied sadly putting his arm around her as she fell asleep in his arms.

*Chapter 9*
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Email: justinsangel81@hotmail.com