*Chapter 9*No More Denial*

"So they broke up?  That's a good thing, isn't it?" JC asked Justin on the phone.  "Not really.  It's all my fault, and I know she's gonna blame me for it. She says she doesn't, but how can she not?  If she didn't know me, they never would've had problems and she'd still be with him," Justin said sadly.  He couldn't get over the guilt he felt for Brian and Ali breaking up.  "Don't be so hard on yourself, Justin.  Everything happens for a reason.  Maybe them breaking up is a sign that you two are meant to be together," JC said trying to comfort his friend.  "But last night she was telling me how she's so glad she has me for a best friend.  That's all she sees me as, a best friend.  I should just get over it," Justin said sighing.  "If you really love her as much as you say you do, you can't just give up like this.  You have to tell her, but give her time. Let her get over Brian, then tell her.  You can't give up," JC said.  "Since when are you the love doctor?" Justin asked angrily.  "I just know these things, remember, I'm the daddy of the group.  Trust me, I know what I'm talking about," JC reassured him.  "Okay, if you say so," Justin said.


"So he really broke up with you?" Caitlin asked Ali in disbelief.  "Yeah," Ali said sadly.  "Is it all because of Justin?" Caitlin asked.  "Well..yeah it is. And I know I should be furious with him, but for some reason I'm not.  I know he feels really bad about it, he thinks it's his fault.  So then I just end up feeling bad about Justin, then I feel bad about Brian.  I'm so confused," Ali said starting to cry again, for about the twentieth time that day.  "Have you ever thought about why you're not mad at Justin?"  "Huh?" Ali asked confused. "Well maybe you're not mad at Justin because you wanted Brian to break up with you," Caitlin offered.  "Why would I want Brian to break up with me?" Ali asked a little offended.  "Well, not really that, but, well, now you can be with Justin," Caitlin said.

"Be with Justin?  Who said I wanted to be with Justin?" Ali said defensively. "No one did.  But you do want to be with him, don't you?"  "No I don't.  We're just friends.  He's my best friend, that's it.  Nothing more," Ali said hesitantly.  "Come on Ali, please don't lie to me.  You can tell me," Caitlin said.


Ali took a deep breath.  She knew she wanted to be with him more than anything. But admitting it to Caitlin meant admitting it to herself.  She'd been denying her feelings all this time because of Brian.  But now Brian was out of the picture and everything was different.  "Justin doesn't feel the way I do, though.  He would've gotten Brian back for me, that just proves he doesn't.  Or maybe it just proves what a great friend he is," Ali thought to herself.

"Ali? Ali?" Caitlin said waving a hand in front of Ali's face to break her of her daze.  Ali took another deep breath, "I love him more than anything Caitlin.  What am I gonna do?" Ali said breaking down to tears yet again.

*Chapter 10*
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Email: justinsangel81@hotmail.com