Chapter 1

Justin turned around from the group of people he had been talking with and looked down the other end of the hall. He saw two young women walking towards him, and he couldn't help but think that one of them looked familiar. She was tall, wearing a dark gray business suit with a short skirt. Her light brown hair fell down to the middle of her back in big curls, and even from down the hall, Justin could see her bright green eyes glowing. Then he realized who it was.


He took her hand and kissed the back of it. "Until we meet again, someday," he said before he kissed it. She leaned up and kissed his cheek softly. "Until we meet again," she whispered. Then the two parted, each going their separate ways, praying for the time when they would meet again.


"Oh my God, Maggie," he whispered to himself as she approached him.


Maggie stopped about ten feet away from Justin and the group of people. "Come on Mags, what's wrong?" Kris asked grabbing her arm. Maggie looked at him again. 'It can't be,' she thought to herself. She stared at the tall man, dressed in khakis and a gray sweater, standing confidently amidst all the important people. He turned around to face her, and there wasn't a doubt in her mind. The unmistakable blonde curls and mesmerizing blue eyes gave it away for her.

Maggie and Kris walked up to the group of people, with Maggie still looking like she saw a ghost. "It's about time you two got here," Mr.Jacobs, the head of the studio, said to the two women. "Sorry," they apologized. "Come meet our newest artist. Maggie, I think I'll have you work with him. He's around your age, so you'll be able to relate to him the best," he said leading the two to the tall man talking with two older men.


Justin saw Maggie walk by him and he knew it had to be her. It felt like his heart had jumped into his throat and his stomach was already in knots. He hadn't seen her in four years, four long years, and he figured he'd never see her again. It had to be some kind of miracle that they were meeting again.

Maggie walked up to Justin and stood in front of him confidently, even though her insides were going crazy. Her heart was beating a million miles an hour and her palms were so sweaty she was praying that she wouldn't have to shake his hand. She looked up into his clear blue eyes and she saw they were staring back at her. Then she began to get nervous as she bit her bottom lip and smiled at him shyly.

Justin stared down into her bright green eyes and tried to let the reality of the situation sink in. His first and only love he'd ever had was back, and it was a little hard to comprehend at first. "Hi Maggie," he said softly, once he'd finally found his voice. "Hi Justin," she whispered back, before looking down at her hands shyly.

Kris stood back and watched the pair, utterly confused. In the few months she'd known Maggie, she'd never seen her this shy or nervous, especially around a guy. She was known for having great confidence, so this especially surprised Kris. "What haven't you told me, Mags?" she wondered to herself.


"So you two already know each other?" Mr.Jacobs asked, looking at the two of them. "What? Oh yeah, I knew Justin when he was in *N Sync," Maggie replied, snapping back to reality. "Well then this will work out great. Justin, Maggie is going to be the head producer of your album. She's new at this, but she's one of the best we've got, so I have all the confidence in the world that she'll do great," Mr.Jacobs replied, praising Maggie. "I'm sure she will," Justin said politely, noticing the small blush that had formed on Maggie's cheeks.

"Well there's still alot of people for you to meet, so if you'll follow me, Justin," Mr.Jacobs said grabbing Justin's arm as he started to usher him away. Justin turned around once more to glance at Maggie. She stood there with the same shy smile on her face as she gave him a little wave as he walked away. He flashed his gorgeous smile at her and waved back shyly.


"Girl, you're gonna have alot of explaining to do," Kris said sternly as they walked back to Maggie's office.

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