Chapter 11

"Come on Magsy, let's do something fun tonight," Justin exclaimed like a little kid as they rode the elevator up to their room in the hotel. "What do you have in mind?" Maggie asked raising her eyebrows. Justin grinned to her, "There's this street carnival on the out-skirts of town, let's go," he replied. "Alright, I guess that sounds okay," she agreed as she unlocked the hotel room door.


"I talked to Lance after you were done recording, and he's already working on getting 'When I Saw You' pressed to be the first single," Maggie commented as she and Justin walked to the ticket booth, the bodyguard Dave close behind. "Maggie, make me a deal tonight," Justin started. "What's that?" she asked confused, surprised that he wasn't excited about the single. "Let's not talk about work tonight. Let's leave all that in the studio for tonight, okay?" he asked. She noticed how soft his voice had gotten. It seemed like all his fears were creeping back again. "Sure," she replied with a comforting smile.


"So then I dated Marc, and he was on the football team, such a huge jock," Maggie said with a laugh, remembering one of her college boyfriends as she and Justin stood in the long line for the ferris wheel. "And he didn't work out either?" Justin asked. Maggie shook her head. "Nah, I think he had about two brain cells, and they never seemed to agree with each other," she said with a giggle. "Now that's not very nice, Maggie," Justin said giving her a friendly shove. "You didn't know the guy," she replied, still laughing. "How about you?" she asked.

"Me? Girlfriends in college? I had a few I guess," he said slowly. "So what were they like? Come on Justin I just told you about all my boyfriends in college," she urged. Justin sighed, "Alright, I guess," he replied. "I dated this girl named Kim, she was a total airhead," Justin said shaking his head. "We'll hook her up with Marc! Perfect match!" Maggie exclaimed. Justin had to laugh at her. "Then there was Hailee," he said softly, looking down to his hands.

Maggie studied him as he obviously thought about Hailee in his head. "He's probably still in love with her, and I thought he was actually interested in me, what was I thinking?" she thought to herself, feeling extremely stupid all of a sudden. "What was she like?" Maggie asked hesitantly. Justin took a deep breath before answering. "She reminded me alot of you, actually," he said looking up to Maggie. She stood there in shock, trying to figure out what he meant by that. "She was kind of shy, and she was really sweet, and kind, and friendly to everyone," Justin replied. "So what happened with her?" Maggie asked. Justin stood there for a minute, trying to think of a way to explain it all to her.

"She couldn't get over the fact that she thought I was still in love with my old girlfriend," Justin said quietly and slowly. "Kim? She thought you still loved Kim?" Maggie asked confused. Justin looked up to her slowly, "No Maggie, she thought I was still in love with you," he said, his voice quivering. Maggie inhaled sharply as soon as Justin said the words 'Maggie' and 'love' in the same sentence. She swallowed hard, "So what did you tell her?" she asked. Justin shrugged his shoulders. "I told her I didn't know. I mean, I loved Hailee, but I had to admit that.." he trailed off.


"Are you two riding or what?" an overweight carnival worker asked the two as they reached the front of the line. "Yeah, sorry," Justin said reaching over and handing the man two tickets. Once they were seated on the ride, Maggie looked over to Justin. He looked down to his hands and hummed to himself softly. "So I take it you and Hailee broke up?" she asked quietly, patting his hand gently. He looked up to her and smiled slightly. "Yeah, we did," he replied before looking back down.

Maggie grabbed his hand again, but this she time held onto it. "Look up Justin, you're missing the incredible view," she said looking out onto the London skyline all lit up at night. He looked up to stare at Maggie's profile. "Yeah, a pretty incredible view," he mumbled as he began to smile again.

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