Chapter 12

Justin emerged from the bathroom after his shower the next morning to find Maggie sitting at the desk with her back to him, typing frantically into her laptop. He studied her for a minute, her long curls were pulled up into a lazy ponytail, with pieces falling out everywhere. She sat there in her gray sweatpants and an old, ratty Northwestern t-shirt. A pair of wire-rimmed glasses sat perfectly on her nose, and a pencil was being held in her mouth sideways by her teeth.

"Whatcha doin?" he asked walking up behind her and adjusting his t-shirt. "Lance just called, I'm emailing everyone to tell them about the new single, it's going to be released in two weeks," Maggie said quickly, taking the pencil out of her mouth and setting it on the desk. "Emailing who?" he asked. Maggie sighed as she stopped typing and looked at a long list of names scribbled onto a piece of paper. "You know, the regulars, MTV, VH1, Rolling Stone, Billboard, Variety, radio stations," she said as she trailed off. "Wow," Justin said stunned. "It's all happening pretty quickly, huh?" Maggie commented as she turned back to the computer.

"Yeah, it never really happened quite this quickly with *N Sync, I guess it just kind of surprises me," he said quietly, sitting down on the bed and putting on his socks. "Are you gonna be ready to go to the studio soon?" he asked, noticing she was still in her pajamas. "Oh yeah, Lance also said that you have a photo shoot today. You've changed some since your *N Sync days, so they can't use old pictures of you. They just need some shots for promotional purposes, and then some to put on the single," she said quickly, still typing away. "Oh, alright," he said quietly. "You're not coming with?" he asked.

"Justin, there's no need for me at the photo shoot. And plus, I've still got tons of people to email, then about a million phone calls to make, I think Lance is making me your partial manager or something!" she laughed. "Oh yeah," she continued, "your limo will be here at nine, so you'd better get going," she said motioning towards the alarm clock that read 8:55. "Alright, well maybe we can meet for lunch or something?" he asked quietly. He'd grown so attached to Maggie so quickly again that he hated to leave her. He didn't know anyone else in London, and he hated to admit that he was terrified of how quickly everything was going. "Okay, just give me a call later," she said as she turned around quickly and blew him a kiss as he walked to the door. "Yeah, see ya," he said smiling a little.


"So I bet you looked like quite a stud at the photo shoot, huh?" Maggie said chuckling a little as she and Justin sat inside a small cafe downtown eating lunch. Justin laughed a little as he took a bite of his sandwich. "I guess so," he said rolling his eyes. "That's not what I want," he said quietly, looking down to his plate. Maggie looked at him strangely. "What do you mean?" she asked. He sighed and looked up to her. His voice remained very quiet, she could barely hear him. "I don't want people to buy my album because they think I'm cute, I want them to buy it because they like my music," he said looking back down. Maggie grabbed his hand and held it comfortingly and spoke softly. "Justin, they will buy it because they love your music, you have to believe me," she whispered. "I guess so," he said, still sounding unsure.

They sat there for a few minutes, eating in uncomfortable silence. "Hey, I almost forgot, I talked to Lance before I came here, and he said you're going to go start shooting your video the day after tomorrow," Maggie announced with a smile. "Already?" Justin asked, surprised. "Yeah, he said tomorrow we'll be in the studio working on a couple songs, then the day after you'll be on a plane to Los Angeles to do the video, and I'll work on some songs here," Maggie explained. "So you don't even get to come with?" Justin asked disappointed. "Nah, it's just like the photo shoot, they won't need me. Yeah, I would like to watch, but I really need to get some work done here," she replied.

"Oh, alright," Justin replied, trying to sound like it wouldn't bother him to be away from her for a couple of days. What he didn't know that Maggie was struggling to do the same exact thing.

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