Chapter 13

"Come on Justin, we're gonna be late, I swear boy, you're gonna be late for your own funeral!" Maggie exclaimed, pounding on the bathroom door. Just then the door popped open with a smiling Justin on the other side. "Geez Mags, you need to lighten up," he said, grabbing his jacket and heading to the door. Maggie glanced at her watch to notice they were already fifteen minutes late. "I swear this boy is gonna be the death of me," she mumbled to herself as she grabbed her purse.


"You know, I'm actually excited about doing the video," Justin said as he and Maggie walked down the hall of the recording studio. "Really? Last night it seemed like you didn't even want to make one. Why the sudden change of heart?" Maggie asked confused. "I don't know, I guess I just-" he started before being cut off by a loud voice coming from the other end of the hall.

"Maggie?!" a loud voice boomed down the hall. Maggie stopped in her tracks and looked up to Justin with a confused look on her face. Then she saw a man running down the hall towards her. All of a sudden she was being picked up and swung around by the mystery person, who she hadn't caught a good look of. "Maggie?!" the person exclaimed again, putting her down and looking at her. Maggie was terrified out of her mind by now, but she relaxed once she saw who it was.

"Fred?!" she asked as she looked up to Fred Durst, front man of the group Limp Bizkit. "Hell yeah it's me girl, what are you doing here?" he asked excitedly. She laughed a little at his forward attitude. "I'm the head producer of Justin's album," she replied motioning towards Justin. "You remember Justin Timberlake, don't you?" she asked. "Yeah, you're in one of those boybands, right?" Fred asked. "I was in *N Sync, I'm doing a solo album now," Justin explained, trying to be as polite as possible, even though he didn't like the way Fred was looking at Maggie and scooting closer to her slowly. "You and Fred know each other?" Justin asked Maggie.

"Yeah, when I was an intern at the studio last summer, Limp Bizkit was recording there, so I got to know them a little bit," Maggie said with a smile, noticing that Fred now had his arm around her shoulder. "Oh, that's nice," Justin said through gritted teeth. "Where the hell have you been, beautiful?" Fred asked in a deep voice, pulling Maggie in front of him so her face was about two inches away from his. She giggled softly to cover up her nervousness. "We've been here recording for a couple weeks," she said quietly, looking up into Fred's baby blue eyes. It made her realize how much she'd always loved blue eyes on guys.

Just then, they heard someone call Fred's name from down the hall. "I guess I gotta go, but here's my cell number, be sure to give me a call, hun," Fred said handing Maggie a slip of paper and giving her a quick kiss on the lips, which was much more than she had expected. "Uh, okay," Maggie said, still in shock as she watched Fred run down the hall.

"Well, you ready to go record?" Maggie asked, trying to break the awkward silence that had fallen over the two. "Yeah, let's go," Justin said angrily, walking ahead of Maggie.


"Okay Justin, this is a song about jealousy. Another guy's making a move on your girl, and you don't like it. The first verse is directed towards the guy, and the second one is directed towards your girlfriend," Mr. Stevens explained to Justin in the recording booth. Maggie sat in the control room, reading over some papers, so she didn't see Justin look at her as soon as he heard the word 'jealousy'.

'Why are you so jealous of Fred? He's definetly not Maggie's type, and she obviously doesn't really seem interested in him. But that's not the point, why are you so jealous of any guy getting close to Maggie?' Justin was asking himself over and over in his head. He was snapped out of his daydream by Mr. Stevens' voice. "You ready to go?" he asked. Justin nodded slowly as he reached for the headphones.


The song was a fast one, and it was eerie how close the words in the song were to the situation Justin felt himself in right then. As soon as he was finished, he slipped the headphones off and let them rest around his neck. "Wow Justin, that was really good, we only need to go back and redo a couple of parts. How did you do that so well on the first try?" Maggie asked as she turned the intercom on. "Let's just say I had some good inspiration," Justin said bitterly.

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