Chapter 14

"Justin! Justin!!! Would you wait for me please?!" Maggie yelled down the hall to Justin as he walked quickly about twenty feet in front of her. She finally caught up to him when he stopped at their hotel room door and fumbled with the key. "Geez Justin, are you training for a marathon or something?" she asked out of breath. He looked to her and rolled his eyes before pushing the door open.

He threw his keys onto the dresser then rummaged around one of his suitcases for something. Maggie sat on the bed and watched him throw things out of his suitcase hastily. She walked around behind him picking everything up and throwing it in a pile next to him. "What are you looking for? Maybe I can help," she offered. He sighed loudly in frustration. "No I'm fine," he said in an annoyed tone. "Okay," she said, sitting back down on the bed, still watching him struggle.

He finally found what he was looking for, so he got up and walked into the bathroom before slamming the door loudly, making Maggie jump. He came back out a few minutes later to find Maggie on the computer again. She had her back to him, but she heard him grab his keys off the dresser. She turned around and noticed him wearing swimming trunks and a wife beater, with a towel in hand. "Where are you going?" she asked softly, wondering where in the world he could be going in a swimming suit in the beginning of January. "Why do you care? Why don't you call Fred and ask him to hang out with you tonight? I'm not up for being a third wheel," Justin replied bitterfly.

Maggie jumped out of her chair quickly and ran over to Justin. "Why are you being such an asshole?" she screamed. "I'm not interested in Fred, God Justin he's my friend, I'm allowed to talk to friends. And why would you even care if I was interested in him?!" she finished yelling. Justin stood there, his back up against a wall, with wide eyes, surprised at Maggie's outburst. He couldn't remember a time he'd ever heard her yell like that.

He watched Maggie as her chin began to quiver and tears filled her eyes. She backed up slowly to sit on the edge of the bed. "I'm sorry Justin, you didn't deserve that," she started, putting her head in her hands. Justin stood there motionless and speechless. "But I don't deserve whatever the hell it is you're doing to me," she whispered before walking to the bathroom with tears streaming down her face.


Justin sighed and ran a hand over his face in frustration. He grabbed his cell phone and left the room while punching in a familiar number. "JC? Why do I keep screwing everything up?"

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