Chapter 15

"Oh God Justin, what did you do now?" JC asked into the phone, shaking his head at his young friend. "I just ruined everything. We just got in a huge fight, and we were yelling at each other..." Justin said as he trailed off. He stepped off the elevator into the crowded lobby, so he didn't say anything until he was safely into the pool area of the hotel by himself, with the bodyguard standing watch outside the door.

"What were you yelling about? There had to be a reason," JC replied. "It's all my fault," Justin sighed as he slipped off his wife beater and stepped into the hot tub. "Okay, Justin, you're gonna have to tell me more than that," JC urged him. Justin sighed as he rubbed his face again. "Alright, we were at the studio today, and Fred Durst from Limp Bizkit comes up and is talking to Maggie and being totally rude to me. He's calling her beautiful and hun, and he gave her his cell phone number. Then before he left, he kissed her...on the lips," Justin explained. "Are they together or something?" JC asked. "No, she met him when she was an intern at the studio in Orlando last year, I guess they're just friends," Justin replied.

"Then what's the big deal? You've kissed girls that are friends before," JC replied, trying to understand the situation. "I know...but..this was...different," Justin spit out. "It's different because it's Maggie, right?" JC asked. "Yeah," Justin whispered. "Okay, so then what?" "Well then I had to go sing a song about being jealous over a guy hitting on my girlfriend. Kind of ironic, huh? And I'll admit, I was furious when I saw Fred kiss Maggie, so I took it out on her. I was a huge prick to her at the hotel, and I blew up and told her to go call Fred and hang out with him," Justin said sighing, the whole situation replaying in his mind over and over.

JC closed his eyes and shook his head slowly. "Justin," he whispered, "anything else?" he asked. "And that's when she screamed at me, called me an asshole, then ran into the bathroom crying," Justin finished. "So now you're, where are you at right now?" JC asked. "I'm in the hot tub downstairs," Justin answered. "Alright, so you're lounging around in the hot tub, and there's a very scared and hurt girl up in your room probably crying her heart out right now because she thinks you hate her, and she has no idea why," JC said analyzing the situation that was taking place now. "Yep," Justin said sadly, his voice showing how guilty he felt.

"Why did you get so jealous over Fred if there's nothing going on between them?" JC asked. "That's just it JC, I have no idea, and that's what's scaring me more than anything," Justin replied. "It's scaring you because you know it shows that you still care for her, right?" JC replied. "Exactly," Justin replied, a single tear falling down his face slowly.


"Well I know what you need to do first," JC started. "What's that?" "You need to go apologize. Just tell her that you overreacted and had no right to treat her like you did, because you know you didn't," JC scolded. "I know I didn't," Justin sighed. "And you're leaving for LA tomorrow, you've gotta clear things up before you leave, or else things will just get worse over time. Then you need to figure out your feelings for her," JC commented.

"That's the part I'm dreading the most," Justin replied. "I know, but you need to do it, if it means you just like her as a friend, or if you're still in love with her, you need to figure it out," JC said comfortingly. Justin's whole body seemed to tingle as he heard JC say 'love'. He got nervous just thinking about it. "Hey, Heather's calling me, so I gotta go, but call and keep me updated on the video and on Maggie, okay?" JC asked. "Sure will, thanks JC," "No problem," "Bye," Justin replied, pressing the 'end' button.


Justin stepped out of the hot tub and dried off before slipping his wife beater back on and heading back upstairs. He was worried to see Maggie again, he just prayed that she'd accept his apology.

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