Chapter 16

Justin sighed to himself as he opened the door to the hotel room. He was surprised that he didn't see Maggie anywhere until he noticed the bathroom door was closed. Figuring she was in there, he knocked on the door softly. His stomach was a ball of nerves, his mind in jumbles as he tried to think of an explanation for his actions earlier. He couldn't think of anything except the fact that he still cared for her and it killed him to think of her with another guy. But he knew he couldn't actually tell her that.

When she didn't answer the door, he knocked once more. Again no answer. "Maggie, I know you're in there. Please open the door, I just want to apologize," he said softly into the door. When he still heard nothing, he kept pleading with her. "Maggie please, I at least deserve to explain myself and apologize, don't I?" he asked. "So apologize," he heard a voice come from the other side of the door. "Can you let me in?" "No, apologize from out there, I don't want to see you right now," he heard her say bitterly. "Alright," he replied, understanding her wishes.

"Maggie, I'll just give you a little history, Fred and I have never really gotten along. He was always such a jerk to me and the guys when we were in *N Sync, and we just never really liked each other a whole lot. So when I saw him today, I was less than thrilled. Then to see him making moves on you, it pissed me off. I know what kind of guy he is, he uses girls, he's interested in them for a little while until he gets what he wants, then he leaves them in the cold. I just didn't want to see you get hurt. And when he kissed you, I was furious, so I took it out on you. I know it wasn't right in any way, and I know you didn't deserve any of it. So I'm telling you that you were right, I am an asshole, and I'm apologizing for being one. Maggie, I'm so so sorry for everything today, I just hope and pray that you'll accept it," Justin finished, his forehead leaning against the door as he tried to get close to her in any way. He wished the door would just vanish and he could hold her in his arms.

He was granted his wish as the door swung open quickly and Maggie caught him in her arms as he fell forward. He leaned down and wrapped his arms around her neck and held onto her for dear life. They stood there and held each other, crying, for at least fifteen minutes. After the last tear was shed, Justin lifted his head from her shoulder and looked into Maggie's eyes. "So does this mean I'm forgiven?" he asked with a worried look. She smiled shyly and nodded her head, "Yeah," she replied softly. He smiled back and hugged her again.

"Mags, make me a promise right now," he mumbled into her shoulder. "What's that?" she asked. "Let's never fight like this again," he responded with a pleading voice. He felt her nod against his shoulder. "Never again," she replied.


Maggie awoke in the middle of the night to Justin shaking her like crazy. "Justin?" she mumbled with her eyes still closed. "Yeah," he replied softly. "What are you doing?" she asked as she sat up. "I wanted to say goodbye, my plane leaves at three a.m., remember?" "Oh yeah, sorry, I forgot," she replied sleepily. "It's alright," he said with a smile, noticing how adorable she looked when she was half asleep. "Good luck," she whispered, "and call me constantly with updates." "Of course," he replied. He leaned up from his spot where he was kneeling on the floor and hugged Maggie tightly. "I'll miss ya," he said softly into her hair. She smiled at him. "I'll miss you too, but it's only a few days, I'm sure we can handle it," she said giving him a reassuring smile, as she tried to reassure herself as well.

"Bye Mags," Justin said leaning over and placing a soft kiss on her forehead. "Bye Justy," she replied, returning a kiss onto his nose. He gave her a small wave as he opened the door and left. Maggie sighed as she watched him leave before sprawling out on the bed and falling back asleep.

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