Chapter 17

Justin finally arrived on the set of his video in LA around noon. He was rushed around being introduced to dozens of production people. He was glad to see a familiar face when he was greeted by Lance. "Hey you ready to do this?" Lance asked happily. The scared Justin was trying to come out again, no matter how hard Justin tried to keep him in. "Yeah, sure," Justin said with a fake, reassuring smile. "Well here, let's meet your lucky leading lady," Lance said directing Justin across the room.

"Here Justin, this is Liz, she'll be playing your love interest in the video," Lance said introducing him to a young woman. She looked about twenty years old, she was tall with long, skinny legs and long, blonde hair and bright green eyes. Justin smiled sadly as he thought about how much her eyes reminded him of Maggie's bright, sparkling green eyes. "It's such an honor to meet you, Mr.Timberlake, I've always been such a huge fan of yours," Liz said reaching out to shake Justin's hand. "Thanks," Justin said shyly. "Oh, and call me Justin," he replied politely. He had to admit the girl was gorgeous, but just not really his type. 'Maggie's more my type,' he sighed in his head.


"No Justin, that's not right either. You don't stop and look at her until the chorus, you're stopping too early," the director yelled out to Justin. Justin sighed and crossed his arms in frustration. He was having alot more trouble with the video than he had ever imagined. He and Liz just did not have the chemistry to act like they were falling in love with each other at first sight. Anyone in the room could realize that, except for the director.

Justin sighed again and looked down as tears formed in his eyes. He felt like he was failing. He hadn't even made it back into the music business yet, and he already felt like he had failed. "Why don't we take a break and try again in ten minutes?" the director recommended, noticing Justin getting upset.

Liz ran off to get her makeup touched up, so Justin wandered to his dressing room and searched for his cell phone. When he finally found it, he punched in a familiar number, praying that she had her phone with her today.


Maggie sighed as she finished off her Chinese food in the hotel room. "Geez Maggie, you have absolutely no life when Justin's not here," she whispered to herself. She'd spent all day in the studio working on some of Justin's songs, so she laid down in bed and tried to get some rest, even though it was only nine p.m. She had almost fallen asleep when she heard a ringing sound come from her purse. "If that's even the studio..." she grumbled, getting out of bed.


"Come on Mags, PLEASE answer, I need you," Justin pleaded into the phone, leaning against his dressing room door. "Hello?" he heard a sleepy Maggie answer. "Mags," was all he could say, his voice coming out hoarse. "Justin?" she asked, "Is that you?" "Yeah, it's me," he replied quietly. He had slid down the door so he was now curled up in a ball on the floor. A few tears fell down his face as he just listened to Maggie's breathing. Just her breathing comforted him so much right then. "Are you okay?" she finally asked. "No," he choked out. "What's wrong? Is it the video?" "Yeah...I can't...I can't...can't do this Mags," he choked out between sobs. "Can't do what? Justin, please tell me more," she pleaded with him. She'd never heard him like this, and it worried her more than anything in the world. "It's the girl...and the director...and everything," he cried. "Can I talk to Lance or something? What can I do to help?" she asked frantically.

Maggie would never be prepared for the answer she'd hear from him. "I..I..I need you more than I've ever needed you...please come to LA..." he begged between tears. "Justin, I don't know if I can..." she trailed off. "Please, Mags..."

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