Chapter 18

Maggie swallowed hard as she thought about Justin's offer. She'd gotten alot of work done at the studio, so she could probably afford to leave for a couple of days. She listened to Justin's shaky breathing as she realized he was dangerously close to a complete breakdown. She'd never heard him so sad or scared or hopeless before. And she'd never felt as needed as she felt right then. "I'll be on the first plane to LA," Maggie whispered her answer. Justin sighed a quick breath of relief. "Thank you," he whispered back. "Bye," she whispered before hanging up to pack quickly.


"Hey, I'm not feeling well," Justin lied to Lance. "Oh no, what is it? It's not your throat, is it? You have to go back and record soon," Lance rambled frantically. "No Lance, I think I'm just kinda jet-lagged. It was a bad idea to start shooting right after I got off an eight hour flight from London," Justin explained. "Okay, we'll work on some of the side shots today, you go back to the hotel and rest," Lance instructed. "Thanks," Justin said gratefully.


Maggie finally made it to the hotel in LA around midnight that night. She was about to fall over from exhaustion, but she still rushed to the front desk to ask for Justin's room number and the key he was supposed to leave for her. She took a deep breath as she reached his room. She had no idea what to expect. He came in and out of his fearful moods so frequently that she had no idea if he'd be better already, or if he'd still be the crying Justin that had called her earlier.

She opened the door and set her bags down in the living room area of the suite. She wandered into the bedroom to find Justin sleeping peacefully. He was laying off to one side of the huge king-sized bed, wearing pajama pants and a wife beater, with covers bundled up all around him. She smiled to him, happy to see that he'd calmed down for the time-being. She went to the bathroom and changed into her pajamas quickly before going back to the bed and sitting on the edge of it lightly. She wondered if she should just stay and sleep in the bed with Justin or go out to the couch in the living room.

After much debating in her head, she pulled the covers up and slipped under them carefully, trying not to wake Justin up. She moved over, fairly close to Justin, trying to get comfortable on the lumpy bed. Just as she moved, Justin rolled over and his head landed on her shoulder, but he still stayed fast asleep. She smiled down to him again. She didn't know what it was about him, but he could always make her smile no matter what.

She sighed as she scooted over and let Justin's head lay on the pillow, the top of his head right in front of her. She ran her fingers through his curls for a few minutes, hoping she was giving him some kind of comfort in his sleep. After a little while she finally fell to the exhaustion and drifted to sleep by his side, her fingers still tangled in his hair.


Justin woke the next morning to see Maggie's face about two inches away from his. He blinked a few times, thinking it was all a dream that was too good to be true. When he realized it wasn't, a huge smile formed on his face. He couldn't remember a time he'd ever been so happy to see someone before. She looked like a little angel sleeping next to him with her curls going all over the place and a small smile resting on her lips as she slept. "Maggie?" he whispered softly.

Her eyes fluttered open slowly and sleepily. "Morning," she mumbled. "You're here," Justin said, almost as a question. "Of course I'm here, I told you I would be," she stated simply, letting her eyes close again. He wrapped his strong arms around her as she rested her head on his chest, falling back asleep.

"Maggie?" Justin asked again a few minutes later. "Huh?" she mumbled into his chest. "You're the girl," he replied softly. She looked up at him with a confused look on her face. "I'm the girl?" she asked. He nodded slowly with a smile on his face. "You're the girl for my video," he whispered, leaning down and kissing the top of her head.

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