Chapter 19

Maggie's eyes grew wider than Justin had ever seen them. "Girl for your video?" she asked. "Yeah, it's just not working out with the girl we've got now, and...I just can't picture myself with anyone but you in the video," he said quietly, looking down. She swallowed hard as she tried to comprehend that he really wanted her in his video. "I don't know, Justin..I mean, I'm not exactly MTV material, that's why I work behind the scenes," she said with a little laugh. "Maggie, you're perfect for it," he said, "who else could I possibly fall in love with at first sight?" he said looking up into her eyes.

She knew once he looked up at her with those beautiful blue eyes that she'd buckle and say yes. She felt butterflies in her stomach flutter when she heard what he said. "Okay," she said with a small smile, biting her bottom lip. "Thanks Mags," he said getting out of bed.


Maggie had been trying all morning to talk to Justin about what had been bothering him the day before, but every time she tried, he'd avoid it by changing the subject or talking about the video. They finally arrived on the set of the video, which was made to look like a busy street in New York.

"Hey Maggie, what are you doing here?" Lance asked when he saw Maggie walk in with Justin. "There's been a change of plans, Lance, Maggie's the girl in the video now," Justin said slinging an arm around Maggie's shoulder. "You can't just change the girl in the video like that, Justin," Lance said angrily. "Hey, I'm partly my own manager, and this is strictly a managerial move," Justin said with a smug smile. Maggie had to bite her lip to keep from laughing at him. He leaned down close to Lance and whispered, "And I'll refuse to do the video with anyone else." "Fine," Lance finally gave in. "Now I gotta go find Liz," he said, stomping off.

Maggie giggled as Lance walked away. "You're such a spoiled little brat," she teased. "I am not!" Justin exclaimed. "Yes you are!" she yelled back.


A couple hours later, Maggie was sitting in a chair in her dressing room getting her makeup done. She felt like she'd never had so much makeup on in her life. "I am I really this bad looking that I need this much makeup?" she asked the makeup artist. "No dear, you're really pretty, you just need alot more on when you're going to be on tv," she replied. "Okay," Maggie replied. Just then, Justin opened the door and strutted inside slowly. He was wearing black pants, a navy blue business shirt with the first few buttons unbuttoned, and a black leather jacket over it. Maggie couldn't help but stare at him as he sauntered over to her. She could already tell he'd be having no problems with the video anymore.

"You almost ready? They're calling for us," Justin replied, leaning on the counter. Maggie looked up to the makeup lady for an answer. "Oh she'll be done in just a few minutes, just a few last touches," she replied. "Okay, I'll be outside waiting," Justin replied walking back out. "Wow, you are one lucky girl to be working with that fine piece of a man," the lady responded, watching Justin walk out. Maggie giggled softly at her. "Yeah, pretty lucky," she whispered, also watching Justin.


Maggie finally walked out of the dressing room a few minutes later and searched for Justin. When she finally saw him talking with the director, she could feel everyone in the crew turn around and look at her. She felt so self-conscious in front of them, so she played with her hands nervously as she walked over to Justin. The crew weren't the only people staring at Maggie, Justin was as well. He watched her walk over, wearing a short black skirt, a plain white long sleeved shirt, and a black jacket over it.

"And here's our lady," Justin announced as Maggie reached him. She smiled nervously at everyone. "Well, let's get started," the director commanded. Justin grabbed Maggie's hand to try and calm her nerves as he led her to the set.

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