Chapter 2

"Okay, so what's up with Mr.Timberlake?" Kris asked slyly as she sat on the corner of Maggie's desk. "What do you mean?" Maggie asked, playing dumb, even though the goofy smile on her face proved otherwise. "Come on, Mags, you knew him when he was in *N Sync?" Kris asked, interested. "Yeah, you could say that, I guess," Maggie said, sitting back in her big desk chair and stretching her legs out. "Could you be any more vague?" "Okay, when I was eighteen, the summer before my freshman year in college, I met Justin, and we dated for about a month, but it didn't last," Maggie said, giving her the shortened version. "You dated Justin Timberlake?!" Kris exclaimed, standing up in front of the desk. "Yes I did, but it was a long time ago, I'll give you the full story some other time when I'm not so swamped," Maggie said looking towards the huge piles of papers on her desk. "Okay, fine," Kris sighed, disappointed.


Maggie was halfway done with the huge stack of paperwork on her desk when she heard a knock on the door. She figured it was Kris seeing if she was ready to go. But at the rate she was going, she wouldn't be done working until two a.m. "Come in," she mumbled, not looking up from her work. "Hey," she heard a man's voice. She looked up, surprised to see Justin standing in front of her desk.

She had to admit that he was still the most gorgeous guy she'd ever met, but she pushed those thoughts aside quickly. He didn't come back to Orlando to get into a relationship with her, he came back to start a new part of his career.

"Hi," she said softly, setting down the pencil in her hand and motioning for him to sit down in one of the chairs in front of her desk. "Did you want to talk about recording tomorrow?" she asked. "No," he rolled his eyes. "I wanted to talk to you, Mags, I haven't seen you in four years!" he exclaimed.

Maggie closed her eyes slowly and bit her bottom lip like she always did when she was nervous. She didn't want to spend alot of time with Justin besides when they were recording. She knew if she was around him too much, she'd just end up falling in love with him all over again. She had to admit a part of her never stopped loving him.

"I'd really love to talk," she lied, "but I've got all this work to do, and I've gotta get it done before we start recording tomorrow," she said gesturing towards all the papers on her desk. "Come on Mags," he whined, "how about we just go for some ice cream?" She had to smile at the pathetic look he was giving her. She always gave in whenever he whined, and he knew it. "Fine," she sighed getting up and grabbing her jacket. "Haha, I knew that would do the trick," he said victoriously.


"So then I graduated from Western last spring, and I had done an internship here the summer before, so they offered me a steady position," Maggie replied taking a lick of her ice cream cone. "How about you?" she asked.

Justin looked up from his ice cream. "Well I graduated from North Carolina last spring, and I haven't really been able to find anything that makes me truly happy. I tried a little managing, even a little producing, but I had to admit that I still loved singing the most. So here I am, ready to start work on a solo album," he explained.

Maggie nodded as she took another lick of her ice cream cone. They were sitting on a bench in a tiny park by the studio. A soft breeze blew a few curls across Maggie's face and she brushed them away quickly. Justin was mesmerized by every single one of her movements. Then he realized he was staring at her and he looked away quickly, hoping she hadn't noticed.

Maggie sat there, eating her ice cream, praying for God to give her the strength not to fall for Justin again. She didn't know if she could take another heartbreak from him. She sighed softly as she glanced over at him. He'd finished his ice cream, so he sat with his back leaned against the back of the bench, as he picked paint off the ratty old bench. He looked up at her and noticed she'd been looking at him, and he instantly felt butterflies in his stomach. Now he smiled shyly at her as she looked down to her ice cream when she felt herself blushing.


"Well this has been fun Justin, but paperwork awaits me," she said as they stopped at the door to her office. "How late are you going to be working? We start recording at nine tomorrow morning," he replied, looking at his watch. "Until I get it done," she said tiredly. "I guess this is why you're the best, huh?" he smiled. "I guess so," she shrugged. She looked up at him and bit her bottom lip, not sure what to do next. "I'll see you in the morning," he replied, holding his arms out to her. She smiled as she felt his strong arms wrap around her and the sense of warmth she got from him. His arms had always fit around her just right. She pulled away reluctantly and opened the door to her office. "Night," she said waving to him. "Night, Mags," he whispered as he walked away.

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