Chapter 20

Maggie listened intently as Justin and the director of the video explained the concept of the video to her. She thought it was a great idea and she was excited about it, but the whole idea of actually being in a video still made her incredibly nervous. She'd never really been very comfortable in front of a camera, so she was wondering how she was going to pull this off. But she had an idea Justin would do everything possible to make her feel comfortable.


"Okay Maggie, this shot is you walking down the busy street in New York City," the director replied, motioning all the extras to come in. She was suddenly surrounded by about five hundred people or so walking up and down the huge, long sidewalk of the set. "You don't have to act or anything, just walk, and just seem like you're in a hurry, you have somewhere important to be right now," he instructed. She nodded a little, gripping tighter onto the leather purse that was slung over her shoulder.

Suddenly Justin's song blared throughout the set, startling Maggie a little. "And...action!" she heard the director yell. She started walking quickly down the sidewalk, occasionally bumping into a passer-by or checking her watch. Justin watched her through a tv monitor and couldn't help but think how beautiful she looked. It seemed he'd been thinking that alot more lately. He shook his head quickly and went back to watching her.

After a few minutes of walking, Maggie heard "Cut!" so she stopped, looking up to the director and Justin for approval. "Great job!" the director yelled, then motioned for the next shot to be prepared. Justin ran down to her and hugged her. "You did great Mags!" he exclaimed. She looked up at him like he was crazy. "Justin, I walked down a sidewalk, something I've done many times before. It wasn't very hard," she replied, rolling her eyes. "I know, but I can tell how nervous you are, and you didn't let it get to you," he explained. She nodded her head in understanding.

"Mags, I just wanted to thank you, in case I haven't already," he said softly, looking down into her eyes. "What for?" she whispered, captivated by the deep stare he was giving her. He smiled softly at her, "for being in the video, I know you don't really want to, but it really means alot to me," he whispered back. She smiled back to him. "Anything to help a friend," she replied as a makeup artist rushed her off to the side to touch up her makeup. "Yeah, a friend," Justin whispered sadly, watching her walk away.

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