Chapter 21

As soon as Maggie was finished taping her scene, Justin started taping his. His scene was the same as Maggie's, he was rushing down the busy sidewalk, acting like he had somewhere important to go in a hurry. Maggie sat in a director's chair and also watched Justin through a tv monitor. She smiled softly at him as she watched him. She noticed how much more grown up he looked now than before. "His cute little baby face is gone, and now he's just so....handsome," she found herself thinking. "Maggie, don't even think about it," she thought, shaking her head.

After Justin's street scene, he was going to be taped singing the first and second verses of the song. He would be taped on a few different locations, trying to give the video some diversity. The first shot was Justin standing on a balcony of a fire escape on a tall building, looking down onto the busy street. "Mags," Justin said to Maggie before he got ready to go up onto the balcony, "stand right here," he said, looking up to the balcony then back to her. "And don't move," he instructed. "Okay," she replied rolling her eyes at how strange he was acting.


Once Justin was in position on the balcony, the song began again. Justin lip-synched as the whole set was filled with his beautiful voice. Maggie stood in the spot where Justin had told her to stand, and she noticed he was staring right at her. She was in direct line of the camera without being in the shot, but she could see that Justin was staring directly at her. He looked to her as he sang the whole first and second verses of the song. She suddenly became nervous as she swallowed hard and gave him a small smile. She'd never felt so special in her life. Justin was singling her out, out of everyone in the room, and singing directly to her. She felt chills through all of her body as Justin sang the words "You are the one for me, and it's evident" and he gave her a small smile while he leaned on the railing. She watched as Justin put so much feeling and emotion into his performance, causing a single tear fell down her cheek.

When he was done singing, Justin climbed back down and walked over to Maggie and the director. "Justin, that was amazing, the feeling you put into that was..." the director commented before trailing off. "What did you think, Mags?" Justin asked Maggie, hoping she liked it. "Huh? Yeah, great," she said dreamily as she seemed to be in a daze. "I think she liked it," Lance laughed, standing next to her. "I hope she did, it was all for her, and I meant all of it," Justin thought to himself.

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